New Member
I have a question about workplace favortism. I work at a small retail business where there are salespeople and a secretary. I have been there about 9 years and the others 25 years or more, the secretary 8 years or so. Our work enviroment is horrible because the secretary loves to get all of the salespeople in trouble by going to our boss (the owner) and telling him all we do wrong... We have been watching the secretary steal for years, we told the owner and he would not believe us. After finding receipts that verify we were correct he put up security cameras. Would you believe the owner seen with his own eyes the secretary steal in front of the cameras and is still keeping her as an employee? Secretary was also coming to work intoxicated on pills so they did drug testing, the drug test came back bad on her, she even admitted to the owner it would and they countinue to keep her as a employee! We are sick of working around her and her assistant who is right now on leave for drug related issues (she didnt pass drug test either). I also am very resentful that the secretary gets double christmas bonus than me and I have been at this job longer than her and I do not steal off of him! When I had to leave on pregnancy leave and come back it wasnt said to me but for my punishment my Christmas bonus went from 500 a month to 200 and my schedule changed to only getting one day off one week and 2 the next alternating. I also made some financing mistakes at that time and he took all of it off my commision check without warning me, not even giving me a chance to make the payments back to him in increments. I cant believe I had to pay that back immediately but she can steal and get more christmas bonus then me, I feel she should be obligated to pay back at least what he has documented on receipts she has stolen! Sorry such a long post. Do I have any rights here?