FBI background check

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My jurisdiction is: Pennsylvania

I am applying for a position where they do a FBI background check along with fingerprints. I was arrested back in 1996 and charged with retail theft (in Phila county). I was 19, now I am 31. The owner of the store confirmed I didn't steal anything so it never even went to court. It was dismissed. Basically I never had to go to court and give a plea. The case was dismissed.

The employment application asks "have you ever been charged with a misdimeanor or crime?" Now I was charged at the time of arrest but never convicted. They DID fingerprint me.

Two questions:

1) Would this show up as a charge/arrest on my FBI background check?
2) Should I answer yes or no to the question since it was dismissed?

FYI - the merchandise they arrested me for was $1.50. First and only offense.

I appreciate your help!
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