Criminal Records, Expungement FBI Expungement?

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I was arrested in 98 for a domestic dispute. It was thrown out as nolle prosque and I have had my record expunged. I am applying to nursing school and I know they do a full background check. Will the arrest still show up on my FBI records? I have requested a copy of my state and FBI records but it takes up to 18 weeks. I just want to be prepared if I have to sit before the Board to discuss the arrest.

Thanks for any help!!
I was arrested in 98 for a domestic dispute. It was thrown out as nolle prosque and I have had my record expunged. I am applying to nursing school and I know they do a full background check. Will the arrest still show up on my FBI records? I have requested a copy of my state and FBI records but it takes up to 18 weeks. I just want to be prepared if I have to sit before the Board to discuss the arrest.

Thanks for any help!!

No the arrest will not show up. After tens years, for a minor offense as yours, they purge the record.

Who the hell told you it takes 18 weeks to get your FBI file??? Wrong. Less than four weeks. They are extremely fast, espeically if you file it under the FOIA and Privacy Act. I got mine in less than two weeks. Which was a big bunch of nothing, as it had already been purged.
OMG! It will be 10 years in June, does that matter? I can not tell you how happy you just made me! When I pulled up the FBI site it said it can take up to 18 weeks so I wasn't sure.
OMG! It will be 10 years in June, does that matter? I can not tell you how happy you just made me! When I pulled up the FBI site it said it can take up to 18 weeks so I wasn't sure.

When you send a FOIA/PA request, they have 30 days to answer. If it was a local charge, the feds prob. don't have it in their records.
It was local but I was fingerprinted, does that matter. How do I request a FOIA/PA? Thanks for your advice.
It was local but I was fingerprinted, does that matter. How do I request a FOIA/PA? Thanks for your advice.

Go to the FBI's website, look for FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT, and they have the forms you print out and tell you were to send them in Washington.
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