federal harsmnt

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My jurisdiction is: north carolina

My jurisdiction is: north carolina

My jurisdiction is: north carolina

My union president and union steward have told me there is nothing they can do to help me against this harassment. I have been harassed and called vulgar names by this person since last October. It started because I would not go along with the union and support Obama. His workcase was next to mine and he kept making disparaging remarks to and about me so that only I could hear. Everytime he would go to the bathroom as he passed the back of my case he make remarks and call me names. He alwys make sure that I am the only one who can hear him. He turned my trash can over by pushing some trays from the bottom of his case over to mine causing the trash can to fall over. He pushed so hard first class documents fell out of my case and into the throwaway bucket. If I had not found them I would have been in trouble. Two times my vehicle keys were moved and I could not find them. Several times my time card was put behind someone elses. I had a heatstroke two years ago and the manager installed a fan to blow directly into my case because I overheat easily. One morning this person kept turning my fan off every time I turned it on. I told him I needed the fan and to leave it on. He shouted out "go home". I reported these incidents to the manager. He talked to the person, even though the fan was not reaching his case, he claimed he was cold, so I agreed to lower the speed of the fan. Another time I had documents on top of my stool, in front of my case, held down by an electronic scanner. This person ran his cart as hard as he could into my stool and knocked everything in the floor. I told him he would have to pick it up, he said no that it was in front of his case. I told him that was not true, he picked everything up and threw the scanner on my case. I went to the union president and told him what had happened and that if the scanner was broken it was not fault. He said something to this person and things have just escalated. The manager did put another case in between us but that has not stopped this person. I was loading my vehicle, no one else around, when this person told me-you owe me an apolpgy. I told him I did not and he called me "a fucking lying bitch". I immediately went inside and got the supervisor who came out and asked him if he said it and of course he said no. Today on the workroom floor he called me a "cunt" of course so only I could hear. I went to the supervisor really upset and emotionally devastated. He told me there was nothing he could do and I should stay away from this person, the union steward wouldn't do anything. I come into contact with this person on a daily basis as our work cases are only four feet apart, I have no choice, yet I'm being blamed. I was so upset, I needed to go home, but the supervisor said no I could not go, then he said I could but he was not approving it and I could expect discipline. I called my union steward over, the supervisor agreed I could go home, but said he was walking away because he could not stand to be near me. Do I have any legal rights to be able to work without being harassed?
Get one of those microcasette recorders, and set it for voice activation. Make recordings. But don't just stop after the first thing he says, and by all means, don't let on that you have it. Keep it in your pocket. After several comments, go back to the manager or shop steward.

The problem is, this person keeps saying these things when nobody is around, so management has no proof to work with, and since you are union, they would need something to go on.
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