Federal Judge orders end to Obama Regime DACA Program

army judge

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HOUSTON — A federal judge in Texas on Friday ordered an end to an Obama-era program that prevented the deportations of some immigrants brought into the United States as children, putting new pressure for action on President Joe Biden and Democrats who now control Congress.

U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen ruled in favor of Texas and eight other conservative states that had sued to halt the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which provides limited protections to about 650,000 people. People who are already enrolled won't lose protections, but Hanen is barring the processing of new applications.

Judge orders end to DACA, current enrollees safe for now
You can expect that this order will be appealed to the Court of Appeals. Whether it will fare any better there I can't say, especially as I don't know which judges will hear it.

We clearly need Congress to do what it has long put off doing, which is update our immigration laws for the 21st century. Pretty much everyone agrees the current rules we have are outdated and do not work all that well for the world we live in today. The basic outlines of a policy that would get bipartisan support have also long been known, but each time a bill is drafted that initially seems to have support it ends up faltering because one party or the other gets into a fit over details that, in the grand scheme of things, don't really matter all that much.
No one can predict how a judge or jury will rule.

All I expect is a fair hearing with a just verdict.

I have no reason to believe the result will be anything less than just following due process.

I don't see Congress addressing our immigration laws anytime soon.

I'm looking forward to the midterms.

Hope springs eternal...
No one can predict how a judge or jury will rule.

All I expect is a fair hearing with a just verdict.

I have no reason to believe the result will be anything less than just following due process.

I don't see Congress addressing our immigration laws anytime soon.

I'm looking forward to the midterms.

Hope springs eternal...

Me too, but they can legalize child abuse by allowing trans treatments on very young children (4-8 year olds). This in my mind is a lot worse than not allowing DACA peps to get citizenship.

I bet the ones who paid 10 grand to get citizenship to the USA back in the day wish they could have gotten their money back or they could come in now with the Open Border policy.
Me too, but they can legalize child abuse by allowing trans treatments on very young children (4-8 year olds). This in my mind is a lot worse than not allowing DACA peps to get citizenship.

I bet the ones who paid 10 grand to get citizenship to the USA back in the day wish they could have gotten their money back or they could come in now with the Open Border policy.
Please provide your source that doctors are performing "trans treatments" on small children. Thank you.
Please provide your source that doctors are performing "trans treatments" on small children. Thank you.

It is all out there masquerading as children hospital clinics/ transgender clinics which get money to perform these EVIL procedures on prepubescence teens. I am sure they got a Biden executive order and liberal federal judges to sign off on it in the name of equality. Almost all states have one of these places which I am sure get federal money and grants to do this. Look for your local state children hospital and you find what you seek, of course I suspect you already know about these clinics.

Like I said I would rather have DACA stand than to allow continued child abuse by EVIL people their EVIL agenda.
It is all out there masquerading as children hospital clinics/ transgender clinics which get money to perform these EVIL procedures on prepubescence teens. I am sure they got a Biden executive order and liberal federal judges to sign off on it in the name of equality. Almost all states have one of these places which I am sure get federal money and grants to do this. Look for your local state children hospital and you find what you seek, of course I suspect you already know about these clinics.

Where did you obtain this information that children's hospitals are getting money to perform procedures on small children? You must have read about it somewhere, right? So where did you get this information from?
If you can't provide a factual source, then stop spewing ignorant misinformation.

Hint: Drunken homophobic blather spouted by Bubba at the local bar is not a factual source.
Where did you obtain this information that children's hospitals are getting money to perform procedures on small children? You must have read about it somewhere, right? So where did you get this information from?
If you can't provide a factual source, then stop spewing ignorant misinformation.

Hint: Drunken homophobic blather spouted by Bubba at the local bar is not a factual source.

I am not going to say what I want to say as I have lots of children in my family and love kids. Here are three of these centers for you to review

Transgender Health Clinic | Adolescent and Transition Medicine

Transgender Center

Not bubba chatter but actual websites that you can look at with treatment plans to make you son a daughter or your daughter a son. Please don't hijack this thread any longer as it mainly is discussing DACA.
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Me too, but they can legalize child abuse by allowing trans treatments on very young children (4-8 year olds). This in my mind is a lot worse than not allowing DACA peps to get citizenship.

I bet the ones who paid 10 grand to get citizenship to the USA back in the day wish they could have gotten their money back or they could come in now with the Open Border policy.
Really? Can you provide proof?
People like you make me sick, I am not going to say what I want to say as I have lots of children in my family and love kids. Here are three of these centers for you to review

Transgender Health Clinic | Adolescent and Transition Medicine

Transgender Center

Sorry, but those sites don't say what you claim. Indeed, the St. Louis Children's Hospital site expressly says this: "Gender affirming surgery, also called gender confirmation surgery or sex reassignment surgery, is an important part of transition for some people. At the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children's Hospital, we offer gender affirming surgery to youth 18 years and older." So, that center doesn't do any sex change surgery on little kids or indeed on any minors. Only adults. As for the Cincinnati center, nothing on its site says anything about providing surgery to anyone, let alone little kids. Instead, the site says that where appropriate it will make referrals to other places for that. They take into account age when making such referrals.
Not bubba chatter but actual websites that you can look at with treatment plans to make you son a daughter or your daughter a son. Please don't hijack this thread any longer as it mainly is discussing DACA.
Oh please. YOU are the one who hijacked with your transphobic blathering.

Now off the read your links - which I suspect say nothing of the sort you claim.

- Proud mother of a trans adult.
I am not going to say what I want to say as I have lots of children in my family and love kids. Here are three of these centers for you to review

Transgender Health Clinic | Adolescent and Transition Medicine

Transgender Center

Not bubba chatter but actual websites that you can look at with treatment plans to make you son a daughter or your daughter a son. Please don't hijack this thread any longer as it mainly is discussing DACA.
I make you sick? Why is that? Because I asked that you provide facts to support your assertion that small children were given "procedures"? Interesting.

Personally I am sickened by ignorant people that spout nonsense. People with no understanding of gender.

I suggest you really read those links, because they do not state that small children are given procedures. Be sure to have a dictionary handy so you can look up words you don't understand.

Many hospitals have resources for transgendered children/teens...that doesn't = "procedures".

and BTW you are the one that brought up this topic.
at what age can you drink? vote? buy tobacco products?

guess you all missed this

Puberty Blockers

Boys hit puberty at 12-13, girls hit it at 10 years old sometimes. There is no changing your opinions as there is no changing mine. Sad and sick you all are, I would suggest church and reading the bible but then you all would only highlight the parts about equality and love not the whole image of god and 10 commandments.
Boys hit puberty at 12-13, girls hit it at 10 years old sometimes. There is no changing your opinions as there is no changing mine. Sad and sick you all are, I would suggest church and reading the bible but then you all would only highlight the parts about equality and love not the whole image of god and 10 commandments.
Which is nowhere near your claim of 4-8 years old.

Funny how many who claim to LOVE Jesus make the Old testament their cornerstone.
People with no understanding of gender.

Explain it to me then, what is Gender? What age is it appropriate to begin transitioning?

You all have won the cultural war, congrats you have equality in your minds what does that mean?

You have a man that becomes a woman or a woman that becomes a man? That doesn't change their chromosomes They were still a man or woman at birth.