My friend has nothing at all. They gave him nothing whatsoever. he does not have the DS367.
If they took his license when he was arrested, he was given the DS 367. He may not have it now, but it was almost certainly provided to him. But, like i said, it doesn't have the information the officer used, it only says the license will be suspended in 30 days if no hearing is scheduled.
He did speak with the Hearing Officer yesterday and he didn't seem interested in anything other than the .15 BAC. He did say if my friend had a split done and determined that the blood was not his he would give the license back but in the same sentence said he may not because of the Breathalyzer machine machine.
The DMV hearing is primarily concerned with two things: Was there good cause for the stop, and was there good reason to believe that there was a BAC of .08 or greater. That's about it.
I left him a vmail for clarification on that point. I hope to hear back from him on Monday.
If you mean that you left a voicemail for the hearing officer, he probably will not call you back. You have no legal standing in the matter and he is not obligated to even talk to you about your friend's case.
He himself said what came out of his body (blood) overrides but then contradicted himself. Hopefully he clarifies that.
He doesn't have to decide on that at this hearing, anyway. So he can contradict himself all he wants right now. IF your friend has it re-tested and a court concurs that the blood was not his, then MAYBE the DMV will hear the matter. Until then, that is not even an issue.
Also, my friend had heartburn which I have read can give a false high reading on the machine.
Not THAT high, and the machines today, it shouldn't cause any real problem at all.
It appears he is not willing to work with my friend at all. What more can an attorney do in this situation?
Maybe ... maybe not. Again, this hearing is limited in scope and there really is no great reason to postpone it. The hearing officer can always agree to delay a suspension if he chooses to ... he probably won't, but he could.
- Carl