fighting to retain alimony

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As expected, my ex says he was let go from his job just as my last child will be graduating high school. He fought tooth and nail to not pay alimony as part of the divorce but lost. He does not accept losing. So i knew that as soon as the kids were out of the house and wouldnt have to suffer the financial effects he would find himself without a job.
Now, of course, he's requesting that alimony be eliminated or at least reduced. He lives with his gf in her home for 3 years with no bills and earning an income of 105,000+ per year. Although she is responsible for the mortgage and all bills related to that home and makes an income over 100,000, I have a feeling he's going to claim that he pays all the bills and present checks to back it up to falsify his expenses.
My income is directly affected by the economy as im in commission based retail sales and my annual income was 34,000 for 2009. I also have been trying to sell our marital home to reduce my expenses for over a year, but no luck. I wont be able to pay my mortgage and household bills without the alimony.
Are there any laws as far as paying alimony when someone's lost his job but isnt really going to suffer much of a life or circumstance change because he has someone to support him?
Come on, if he has no job, how can he pay you?

No one else owes you anything.

He paid his child support, and he doesn't owe you anything.

Alimony doesn't last forever.

You're lucky you received it this long.

It is usually very temporary, if at all.

You might want to get another job, and speak with a lawyer.

No, there are no laws that force him to pay you into perpetuity.

And, there are no laws that force someone else to pay you alimony.

There are also no laws that prohibit you from making more money or getting three jobs to support yourself!!!

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Actually I my divorce decree calls for permanent maintenance (alimony).
This is due to the fact that he by his own admittance in front of the judge he said that he didnt want me to work or go to school while we were married.
The only job I talked him into letting me have was a part time one that didnt interfere with my family life.. such as being there at all times when he was there as he demanded and taking care of the kids, house, yard etc.
Always with the threat that if i didnt do as he wanted, he would cut me up into a thousand pieces and scatter them throughout the country.
The only blessing is that he started an affair with a woman who was independently wealthy and she demanded he divorce me to be with her.
Otherwise i'd still be stuck there.
I've been going to school part time to get into the radiology field along with working 12 hours days at my full time job. I also had to buy him out on this house that i cant sell and is worth less than i paid him for it. So, while he simply walked out and went on his merry way, I was juggling 3 kids a ft job, part time school and house and yard work.
I only thank God that the judge could see through to how difficult it would be for me, at 48 years old, after 20 years of marriage with only a part time job, to be able to get to a place where I could manage life on my salary alone.

I suppose you'd rather me rely on the federal and state governments to provide for me instead. Because that is my only option if not for the support payments. That, in actuality means that YOU and every other tax payer would would be footing the bill.

Which do you prefer?
What you term to be PERMANENT alimony, madam, apparently ended when your ex stopped working.

How you support yourself is of no importance to me, madam.

I have no financial or legal issues.

My life is wonderful.

I'm sorry to hear of your struggles.

You sought legal advice, not life coaching.

I gave you my best legal opinion.

You can always pay to get another one.

But, why waste your time with hypotheticals, when you can be in court and get that judge to make that bum, YOU married work and pay you?

Never gonna happen, but you're free to try.

It appears that the bum YOU chose to marry and have kids with, is tired of working.

The cad has found another unsuspecting female to pay his way.

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Wow, check the statutes. Illinois DOES award permanent maintenance and it's not all that uncommon. It does NOT end until a judge says it does, not simply because the obligor is out of work.

So, yes, it CAN last forever, or rather until the death of one of the parties.

And, yes, he DOES still owe her after paying his child support because she has an order for lifetime maintenance.

Sindsu, you will probably see a decrease in your maintenance that reflects his unemployment benefits. It may even be eliminated. You can ask that your ex provide evidence to the court that he is actively looking for work. If you can prove he quit his job or somehow chose to become unemployed, then that can help. Otherwise, be prepared to lose some or all of your maintenance.

Good luck to you.
Permanent isn't the same thing as perpetuity.

The law doesn't extend things, other than property rights into perpetuity.

Everything ends, and this too is about to end.

No court can force a person to work, if they I'll or invalid.

That'll be the next tactic this man uses to avoid paying forever.

This gravy train is about to be derailed.

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