File a lawsuit!

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New Member
That is the only way to fight back with these people!

In our case my husband and I went out of town, and
left our then 14 1/2 year old son in the care of his
adult sister. DCS received a report saying that he
was left alone. They came to our home with no
warrant or court order, searched the house and
took pics, and took my son and put him in foster
care. It is a long 2 hour story. But we refused the
probation that they offered and demanded the
Grand Jury. So, 4 months and $7,000 in legal fees
later they dropped the charges.

We then filed suit. They have drug this out as long
as they possibly can. We were supposed to have
a deposition last Nov, but they didn't show up. So
we asked for and got a court ordered deposition.
They appealed that. The appeal was overturned and
we finally had one Sept 2. Kind of. She was ordered
to bring the case files, but didn't. When our lawyer
asked her questions her answer 80% of the time was
"I don't remember". She not only didn't remember how
old my son was, she didn't remember where the TOOK
him after they kidnapped him.

So we are going to have another one, and he told her
to bring the files next time. Since this is court ordered
I think she is in contempt of court by not bringing the
files. I think if she doesn't bring them next time, she is
going to jail. Nothing will make me happier!

Jan James
Chattanooga, TN
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