Filing for Sale by Partition


New Member
M-I-L died leaving 2 family house. Youngest son had to co-sign for her to get a mortgage due to her age at time of purchase. He never paid a single penny for carrying costs, mortgage, taxes or upkeep the entire time, and never paid a cent in rent to her after moving into the house from out of state some years after initial purchase of the house. Upon final mortgage payment, he was asked to sign a Quit Claim refused Told her and the 5 other children the when 'she dies, I own the entire house'. M- i -l re-wrote will excluding him and left her 1/2 to the 5 other children. Upon her death in 2011 he refused and still does to sign a quit claim and take 1/6 share, or to sign papers to sell and take 1/2 of sale proceeds. Around 2013 0r 2014, the estate was converted to an LLC made up of the 5 surviving children, not on the title/deed or mortgage. He has now out-lived 2 of his older brothers, and accordingly their shares have passed on to their heirs. This is in CT, 3 heirs live in ct, 1 in NY and 1 in Fl. CT says on their website that the ct clerks can advise on filling out A Civil Summons properly, but the clerks refuse to give any answers at all citing that it would be leagl advice, which is directly against their stated job of ADVISING how to PROPERLY fill out the forms. So the Question is Do we fill the forms out as individuals against the defendant, or as individuals and members of the LLC or do we fill the forms out as the LLC and name the members of the LLC as other Plaintiffs?
Do you work in the CT Court Clerk's Office by any chance?

I ask because the State website say to make your you fill out the forms correctly, and any questions about filing in the forms can be directed to the Clerk's Office where they will help you to fill them out correctly, and the Clerk replies "I can't answer that for you because I am not allowed to give "Legal Advice".

Never asked for any legal advice, just which names to use on the Civil Summons Form.

Your replay is just as useless as the Court Clerk that is supposed to tell you what to enter on the forms!

Thanks for your time anyway.

An attorney is not needed because once he gets the Civil Summons he will fold like the cheap suit he is anyway.
An attorney is not needed because once he gets the Civil Summons he will fold like the cheap suit he is anyway.

Based on the sentence above, good luck.

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