Finger cut off in bathroom door at restaurant

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I have a personal injury attourney that is very busy, I feel good about the case, but just wanted to know what kind of settlement dollar wize I am looking at? I went to use the restroom at a restaurant that was very, very crowded, I started to push the restroom door open when a very large man pulled the door open from the inside. The man rushed out, I had to jump to the right because of his size and speed coming at me, at the same time a man behind me slammed into the back of me causing me to be sandwiched between the two. Now the solid oak door slams shut on my middle finger which cut it off all but maybe 10% which was held on by a piece of skin. I went to the hospital etc., the last knuckle area (bone) was smashed into 3 sections and I am out of work for 2 months. On top of all the pain, my finger was sewed on crooked for lack of a better term because of the severity. I am scheduled to speak with the restaurants insurance adjuster next week and would like to know how to handle this both finacially and professionally.
Your best bet is to ask your attorney this question. Mostly, you are going to have to prove some sort of negligence by this restraunt to recover any damages.
If it is negligence or some other factor involving the resturant I believe there is some sort of formula the insurance agencies use in determining amount of compensatory payment based on the loss of body parts and how it effects your life, plus pain and suffering. However, they may only pay your medical bills through their standard insurance, if as Duranie said the resturant wasn't negligent. No one here would even begin to tell you the amount you might get as we only know what you tell us, not what actual records state. I mean you have a lawyer so it's weird you're on a forum asking.
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