Fired, do I have a case for improper dismissal

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Chesapeake, VA. I worked as a bookkeeper for 3 1/2 yrs. I got a raise in the last few months, received a bonus on this past weds. with a handshake from the President telling me thanks for doing a such a good job, and I am 4 months pregnant. Today, the comptroller just fired me and said the reason is it's just not working anymore. I needed to collect my things and leave. Right before I left, the comptroller said after I digest this, I can call next week to find out more about this from her (ie the reason). When I left, our head of HR secretly gave me a personal check from her account for $1000.00 and was crying. Do I have a case? What do I do?
The only reason I was given is it is just not working. Aren't I supposed to be given a reason upon my dismissal? Why would I receive a bonus 2 days ago only to be terminated?
If your in any state (except Montana) your considered an employee at will. This means either you or your employer may end your relationship without cause or warning at any time. The exception is if the termination violates law, collective bargainning agreement or, employee contract. They are not required to give you reason. However if they do then you might have something actionable
If you had to guess, why do you think you were fired? I'm not asking you to carve anything in stone or even back it up, just what is your gut feeling as to the reason?
Please answer cbg's question. You undoubtedly have some insight into and.or opinions on how the company operates. Additionally, please tell us how many individuals work for your former employer.
This post is from 2010 and was brought forward by a spammer, whose post has been deleted.
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