Fired for defending my self from supervisor attacking me

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New Member
Not sure which post to add to but I will start here

Well I will keep this short but I got fired today because my super pulled me out of my truck and went crazy on me for giving possible 2 weeks he wanted to know why and I said I would rather go over my future with the owner that did not go over well with him now I have concusion and fractured hand ! the employer said I had to be fired becuase I was fighting but is there a differance between fighting and defending yourself I was also informed that 3 other guys saw the super drag me out of my truck and told the owner but he feels becuase they are mexican that they might not have any say of what happend ? Should a person be fired for defending himself and not able to get away from his attacker I have worked for this co. for six months and recieved awards, perfect attendance,and the highest envolvement to help company's growth ? Owner did not tell me he interveiwed the guys and all there stories where the same when I called him out on it he back peddled

Well here I am no job laid up in bed, not sure how to proceed although I did go to the hospital, got police report and tomorrow filing for protective order .

any advice is greatly appriciated my email
Thank you Dean
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