fired for no reason

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New Member
I was recently fired for apparently not following policies. This is what happened:
It was reported to me that someone found a case of small meat on the side of the dumpster. I told my assistant manager to put it in the freezer so I could take a look at it and so it wouldn't fill the restaurant with a rotten food smell. My supervisor and his supervisor came in the store and found the meat in the freezer. I explained the situation, and told them that I was investigating. They even offered to help with the investigation. this happened on thursday. On Monday I was given a paper that said I was being fired for violaing policy. It did not state which policy I had broken. what can i do about it? thanks.
Probanly nothing. Most states are right to work and you can be fired for any reason.

Taking something from the garbage and putting it in your company freezer sounds like a violation if policy to me. Why didn't you just leave it by the trash?
i was going to be questioned about it one way or another. i was going to be out a case of meat and the way they are, i would have been out of a job anyway. will i be able to put this job in my resume as a successful one?
Minor correction; right to work means you cannot be required to join a union to get work. What Duranie means is employment at will.

Unless you were with that job for less than a month, I do not recommend leaving it off your resume as the gap in your employment history will be noticed.
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