Fired from USBANK for false Reason

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Good Morning Folksss...

I was working as a Branch Manager in one of the US Banks. One day my senior manager caaled me. and she accused me that i have issued a credit card to some customer, who did not requested a credit card and now he is complaning why he received a credit card.

I told the manager, None of the cards can be issued without the permission and exact detailed finiancial inforamtion of indivudual who want to have a credit card, Plus there is a credit ckeck, and inorder to do that, we need his ss number plus all his finiancial details.

So who ever is that custimer , he did gave me all his information inorder for me to process the application, Plus when an application is processed, he has to be physicaly present.

My senior manager ignored my statement, and fired me on the spot.

Then i received a letter in main saying , you have been terminated because you issued a credit card without the concent of customer,

When i asked the back , who is the customer, They refused to give me any information.

Now My question is....

I know majority employees like me are at-will employees. and they can fire even for no reason, But in this case they told a false reason and put a false blame on me . which can be proved eassily and that wrongly fired me for wrong reason.

Do I have a case??
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