Fired or not??

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Im am to try to keep this short.I work in an industry where if not scheduled for work we are on call . Last Thursday My supervisor called in the morning and with an imennse amount of attitude asked "you wanna work today or not?" My reply was "if you need me I dont have a choice do I?" He replied "well then ****you dude" and said no more. after 2 minutes of silence he asked so is it yes or no I simply replied no . wanting to avoid anymore of his confrontational attitude. So Friday Saturday And then Monday comes to be still no scheduled start time or morning call for work. I recieve a call Monday morning from a fellow employee telling me they have reassigned my truck to a different employeee and removed my name from the work schedule board.Have I been fired and not notified??
I proceeded to cval tyhe operations maneger asn ask him that very question. He would not answer it with a yes or no he merely circled around it by saying we need to meet to determine whweter or not I want to work for them. A week later I have stiil not been put to work nor have I recieved notice of layofff suspension or termination. the has played games with me about these so called meetings . Friday he blamed me for not showing up for a meeting he never scheduled. Monday I was told he would call me tuesday early AM to schedule another meeting He finally decicded to call Me Tuesday at 1:00 PM surely not the mornig I was told. Im afraid tyhey want me to meet with them and force my resignation rather than have to compensate me after terminating me. I have a crystal clean employment record. My main question is do I meet with the boss or insist on him answering a simple question ... Has he fired me or not? Do I risk an ambush at this meeting thus forcing my resignation/
thats dumb, your right i think they trying to team up on you. I would go in but dont resign, that person was mean to you and unless you did anything wrong they dont really have anyreason they could fire you.
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