Fired then money with held from paycheck

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A couple of weeks ago I told my supervisor that I had an upcoming medical procedure to be performed and that I would need to take a few days off, and had vacation time to use. The following day I was called in before my shift started to speak with the supervisor and was terminated for falsification of a timesheet from 3 weeks prior. I had clocked in for 10 hours yet they claimed I was only there for 9.5. Anyway I filed for unemployment and was granted after an interview to determine my eligibility. I received electronically my paystubs, not checks, on what would have been my next and final payday, but on the paystub was a deduction for a purchase. When I called the supervisor about this they said they discovered that I had done a paid out, deposited the money into my checking account and wrote a check to one of our vendors because our corporate office had refused to pay the bill for his services. Unfortunately that check bounced. They reclaimed that money, which I am okay with that, but they have yet to send me the remainder of the final paycheck, of which I have requested and was told that they would mail. It has been almost 3 weeks now, and I still have not received my final check. What can I do about this?
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I just talked with my supervisor and they said the earliest they would give me the paycheck would be the 17th which is another 13 days. Can they do this?
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