First time offense, questionable parking ticket

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I was under the assumption that where I parked was legal. The ticket dings me for 2 categories: No Parking $70 and Loading Zone $60...totalling $130. Wouldn't "No Parking" encompass "Loading Zone" anyways???

The signage (which I have pics of) is clearly misleading in 3 varying ways:

1) None of the signs posted say the words "Loading Zone" on them, but there is one that may imply it by the pic of a truck, person, and box.

2) The sign that states no parking (loading zone) also says "30 minute limit"...I was only parked there for 25 minutes but I'm assuming the 30 minutes applies only for delivery trucks?

3) The sign next to the no parking/loading zone sign says it's reserved for carpoolers (w/permit) on the opposite hours/days that I parked there.

Altogether this is very confusing and misleading signage.

However, from what I've been reading it sounds like it doesn't matter that this is my first or my 50th offense, that I still need to take immediate (30 days) action. The problem is although I have the right to contest, I still need to pay it upfront prior to doing so. As I was recently laid off (collecting unemployment), I don't know if I'll be able to come up with this money right now.

Does anyone know the best way for me to approach this? If I can't pay the full amount in that 30 day window, will my fines double and could I have liens, judgements, and warrants assessed on me?
What state was this? What statutes are on the citation?

- Carl
Oregon; Circuit Court for Multnomah County; City of Portland; Title No. 16; Ord. 165189; "$70 - No stop or Park"; "$60 - Loading Zone".

Another interesting aspect of this that is confusing is that there are other violation codes similar to these (duplication). For example, there is another violation that is for "No Parking Anytime - $70"...why didn't I just get dinged for that instead of twice for two separate offenses?
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