FMLA termination


New Member
I understand that termination is possible during FMLA, the question is: when do the FMLA benefits end if the termination happens in the middle of FMLA, does the FMLA continue all the way as scheduled or does it end? I ask that because the FMLA in this case is covered by a short-term disability insurance which covers a part of the salary.

FMLA is by definition unpaid, though STD benefits can run simultaneously with it. They are not, however "FMLA benefits". They will end according to the definitions in the STD policy.
FMLA (protects your job though there are instances when you can be terminated while on FMLA) ends when you are terminated. There's no job to protect. FMLA & STD are 2 different things.

STD is not dependent on whether you are employed. STD benefits for a claim for an illness or injury before termination continue as per the policy provisions. They would continue as long as you meet definition of disabled per the policy or for the maximum time limit of the policy - whichever comes first. (It would certainly be very rare for a policy to note benefits end on termination of employment.)

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