Forced Resignations


New Member
I worked at school district. Rumor has it our previous Superintendent retired early because the board wanted to fire all the administrators. Our interim Superintendent came in, created very hostile work environment…targeted various people (some began making mistakes…others received fabricated charges)…he then pounced…demoted them with 50,000-60,000 pay cuts causing most to resign)…some other staff were targeted such as myself. None of the targeted people had write ups previously…since illinois is no longer 'at will' can we sue? I worked in HR and saw everything enfold. I quit because the new HR consultant's attacks began to escalate and i had no one who would listen…please advise
Who is "we?"

You quit, so it would seem that you have no cause of action.
I quit because the new HR consultant's attacks began to escalate and i had no one who would listen…please advise

Congratulations on your new employer, new position, increased salary, and IMPROVED, CIVILIZED work environment.

I've been in a situation similar to yours.

illinois is no longer 'at will'

Where did you get that idea? The Illinois Department of Labor disagrees.

can we sue?

Anyone can sue anyone for anything. Whether any given individual has a valid legal claim depends on the unique facts applicable to that person's situation.

Our interim Superintendent came in, created very hostile work environment…targeted various people. . . . I quit because the new HR consultant's attacks began to escalate

These are conclusory allegations. Without specific facts, they are meaningless.

If you want a reliable assessment of your situation, you should consult with a local attorney who handles employment cases.
since illinois is no longer 'at will' can we sue?

I don't know where you got that idea, but Illinois is still a state, like pretty much every other state, that applies the doctrine of employment at will. See the Illinois Department of Labor FAQ page, question 4, which directly states that. It's a bit different when you are a government employee but when it comes to municipal government employment there typically isn't a whole lot of difference.

You resigned because you didn't like the work environment. The employer didn't fire you, didn't "force" you to quit, and nothing in your post suggests that the employer did anything that was illegally discriminatory. So I'm not seeing any viable lawsuit here for you. But I also don't have all the facts. See an attorney who litigates illegal discrimination/wrongful termination cases to see if you have anything that might amount to claim with a reasonable chance of success.
"Hostile work environment" doesn't mean what you think it does. Just because the boss is a butthead and made things difficult to you, doesn't mean anything. In order for it to be actionable, it has to involve some sort of illegal discrimination.

For instance, telling racist jokes can create a hostile work environment for those races involved. Telling dad jokes, isn't.