Foreclosure on only half the property.

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When my husband and I bought this property it was split in two parts. Half the land and the house were bought with a loan, which has changed hands several times and is now with GMAC. The other half of the land and 3 mobile homes were purchased outright. I was in an auto accident and have been unable to work so as of July 2, the mortgage company has told us we are in breach of contract and if we can't come up with at least half the past due balance they will be able to start forclosure at anytime. First question is can they refuse to take a payment if it is less then half the past due balance. We owe four payments as of July 1 and we told them we could make one full payment on July 5, and that we were working with an organization to help us catch up on the rest. The second question is, if they do go ahead and forclose what happens to the half of the property that we paid for with cash? It is all one large yard, with the house at the back and the mobile homes out front and to the side.
Foreclosure works the same as any other debt - if you owe $10 per month, you can't pay $5 and require the bank to accept just $5. Defaulting on commercial loans can result in some harsh repercussions. You hope that the people on the other end are wiling to work with you and have the permission and authorization to do so. They can choose not to accept a partial payment and move ahead with their remedies for foreclosure. However, it doesn't make sense for the bank to foreclose on a home if they are going to lose more money by doing so. Here are some tips that might help with foreclosure issues.

Ways to avoid foreclosure on your home
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