Foreign Judgment

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In December of 1997 I had a involuntary repossession in the state of Ohio. The car company filed a judgment against me in September 2000 and stated in the suit I failed to appear in court after being duly served. I never received the papers. When I checked my credit report in 2004 and 2006 the Jugment was listed as dismissed.

I moved to Georgia in 2002 and on September 21, 2007 there was a Notice of Suit For Enforcement of Foreign Judgment filed, once again stating I failed to response, I did not sign for or receive any notices to appear in court. As of February 27, 2008 there was a Final Judgment on Proceeding For Enforcement of Foreign Judgment.

At this point what are my legal rights? How does the dismissal in Ohio play into the Foreign Judgment in Georgia? Can I get the Judgment reversed?

I really appreciate the legal advice, because I am in the process of clearing my credit history and I want to know my rights before I contact the suing law office.
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