Former Employee Harrassment

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I have someone wishing to work for us. Her previous employer attempted to take her off of commission and put her on salary. They also asked her to sign a non-compete. Rather than agree to their terms, she resigned and has since contacted us.

Recently her former boss contacted her. During the course of the conversation, she was essentially warned that they will use whatever means necessary to protect their market including legal action. She feels threatened and genuinely scared for her livelihood. They do not have a non-compete in place so this seems like harassment to me. I have two questions regarding this:

1. Can she file a restraining order against her former boss and employer? He has not threatened her physically but she absolutely feels intimidated by their actions.
2. What other actions can we take to halt this? I've been told by a friend that a simple letter from an attorney to the former employer asking to cease all contact with their former employee is sufficient but would like know for sure.

Also a little more info. We currently do business with another one of their former employees that refused to accept the same terms. He has not been threatened in the same manner. I think they are targeting this former employee because she is easier to intimidate. Not sure if that is relevant but there you go.

Anything you can give me is much appreciated.
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