Consumer Law, Warranties Franchisee seeks answers

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I work as a taxi/sedan/limo driver for a large local company (Florida) and have purchased the right to do so as an owner/operator along with 25 others like me. Our employer states that we have no vested interest in the company and therefore no voice even though we have all paid 2k per car to enter the company and continue to pay $280 per week for dispatch fees.
As such the company has a responsibility to us to advertise and provide business in return for the dispatch fee and we are vested interests and unless I'm wrong should have some sort of voice and/or control. The owner of the company is now allowing his wife, who has no experience in the business at all to take charge and deal with customers. We are losing business daily and we want changes. The company has a long standing airport contract and several other contracts but we have lost many over the last year because of our leaders' refusal to add salespeople or spend money to find new business. Last summer we starved, this summer we want to work. If we lose the airport the company dies. If the company loses us, it dies. We need to do something, can we?

My questions are these;
Under Florida corporate law,

A) Can we force the company to form and adopt a board of directors?

B) Can we take control of the corporation as investors?

C) Can we do anything?
This is not legal Advice!


Sorry to here about you troubles but it is very hard for the forum to make a direct comment to your answer because the answers you seek will be in the contract you all agreed with, in the first place.

What i would suggest is that all of you that have a greevance sit down togather and go through the agreement with a fine tooth comb and study what you have all signed in to.
Contracts are hard to comment on when we dont work on orignal paperwork.

We would want to guide you wrong and I feel the ubove statments will help you more.

Take care

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