Fraud and falsified information from the child support agency

To start, one would need to have had the government entity commit a crime or some sort of tort. That has not happened in your case.
I didn't ask for your opinion if you thought the government committed a crime or not, that would be left up to another judge, I asked the process to invoke my rights to charge a criminal government with crimes.
I didn't ask for your opinion if you thought the government committed a crime or not, that would be left up to another judge, I asked the process to invoke my rights to charge a criminal government with crimes.

I suggest you review the topic "sovereign immunity", focusing on the ability of a PRIVATE citizen to levy criminal charges against a governmental entity.
Either you want to correct me because of petty grammar as a result of auto correct or have no idea what ultra vires means. Still no one answered my question
You have been told several times that you need an attorney. Call the state bar association in your state and get several referrals for family law attorneys and go consult with them.
I didn't ask for your opinion if you thought the government committed a crime or not, that would be left up to another judge, I asked the process to invoke my rights to charge a criminal government with crimes.
Why on Earth do you think you have the "right" to charge any one with a crime? You can report a crime or file a criminal complaint, but whether or not the crime is charged is not within your power.
I didn't ask for your opinion if you thought the government committed a crime or not, that would be left up to another judge, I asked the process to invoke my rights to charge a criminal government with crimes.
I chose to ignore that question due to its irrelevancy.
Which I argued in court that it is a violation of 18 US code 242 and no man nor woman should be discriminated against for their gender, religion, race, and should be given the same treatment. Which I even stated us Supreme Court cases by name and date in which they ruled that you cannot discriminate against men or woman. Which clearly it's not fair if the state is coming after me for birthing costs but not the mother.

You are not being discriminated against because you are male. The differing treatment is because the mother evidently cannot afford to pay for it, but you apparently can. It is not a violation of the Constitution or federal law for a state to base payment decisions at least in part based on the person's ability to pay. Indeed, that's a very logical way to do it.

Also they said my income was close to 25,000 dollars a year more then it actually is. Which is fraud.

It's only fraud if the agency knew your income was not what it represented to the court it was. Presumably the agency had evidence to support its claim that it presented in court, right? So what was the reason the agency said your income was that high? You'd have had the opportunity in court to contest that evidence and present your own evidence of your income. Did you do that? And what was the judge's determination of your income?

How does one go about; one, appealing the original case,

By following the Wisconsin rules of appellate procedure. The Wisconsin courts have a pro se appeals guide that can help you with it. You only have a short time after the trial judge's final judgment in the case to appeal. How long has it been since the judge made his/her ruling?

how does one go about charging the child support agency with acts of fraud, either criminally and or civil?

The only way to get criminal charges filed is to make a criminal complaint with the relevant law enforcement agency or prosecutor. As for suing for fraud, that's like filing any other lawsuit, though special procedural rules may apply when the defendant is the state.
Either you want to correct me because of petty grammar as a result of auto correct or have no idea what ultra vires means. Still no one answered my question
Well you didn't say "ultra vires" you said "ultra virus."

Also - what crime was committed by the government entities in your case? I haven't seen any in what you posted.

Sometimes it doesn't matter if you want the state involved or not.

Just get a lawyer - that's ultimately your option.

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