Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Fugitive Warrant

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My son was picked up in NJ, for a fugitive warrant from NY. Apparently, he was given a five day community service, for a minor offense. However, he failed to complete it. He missed the last day.

He has been held by NJ for ten days now. My question is, if NY doesn't come to get him, how long can NJ hold him? Is there anything I can do to help? I feel as though my hands are tied.
Yes, you can hire him a lawyer.

Or, you can contact a bondsman and see if he's eligible for bond. Then you can pay his bond.

The best thing you can do for him, is discuss with him the benefits of obeying all laws; even the ones he finds personally objectionable.

The best way to stay out of legal trouble, obey ALL laws.

As far as him being held, it all depends on the particular offense with which he is charged.

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Even if NY does not pick him up and they release him after 2 or 3 weeks, I suggest he go back to NY and appear, to avoid this being a repetitive cycle of arrest, detention and release.
This is an update. This case is fast becoming incomprehensible. It has now been over 30 days, since my son has been held in Hudson County Jail. This past week, I was able to find some paper work from his case in NY. With that, I went to the NYC court house and inquired about the warrant for my son. The people there were actually very nice and helpful, to my surprise actually. In any event, NY claims there is no open warrant for my son, in NY. As far as they are concern, his community service case has been closed. There is nothing open on him.

They asked me to find the doc # of his arrest in NJ and then bring it back to them, (NYC). Because perhaps it maybe something else that they cannot find. Highly unlikely I may add.

I spoke to my son's case worker to ask for that doc#. She claims she could not give me that info. She was pretty terse with me I may add. This is his fourth case worker in one month to boot. I had explained to her, that NY claims there is nothing open regarding my son. She then stated I had to go back to NYC and asked for some sort of form letter from them and fax it over to their records department. Then and only then will he be release.

I go back to NYC; they claim they don't have such a thing. They say it isn't their problem. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the same people as I did, the day before.
This sounds like a catch 22. I can't get my son released, because there is no bail. NJ still maintains, they are holding him until NY comes and gets him and NY is telling me they don't want him, because there is nothing open on him.
This whole mess is making my head spin.
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