Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor in Texas

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The other night I bought an alcoholic mix drink for myself and my underage friend wanted a sip. I let her sip from my drink, and a cop threw us out. She got an MIP but I recieved no citation or punishment other than a warning. He did take down my information but did not issue a ticket with a court date, but said he could prosecute me for 2 years if he decides to after informing me that if my record was clean (which it is) it would likley be dropped. My questions are: 1. Is it likley that he will prosecute me?
2.If he does prosecute me can I plea bargin complince, or deffered adjudification in order that this not go on my record, and when will I recieve the court date being as I got no citation at the site?
3.Is there any shorter way to have this expunged from my record automatically being as this is a first time offense, or must I go through the process listed in Texas state law?
4.Can the class B misdemeanor charge be reduced for a plea of guilty or no contest, and if so what should I ask in place of Providing alcohol to a minor?
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Unusual and I am not as familiar with criminal law and procedure as others. I would think that you could be prosecuted but I'd find it very difficult to believe this would happen for this kind of offense. Just because an officer didn't summons you at that time doesn't mean that you didn't break the law and that it is a punishable offense within the statutory period for prosecution, which may be two years in your jurisdiction. Perhaps you should take this a day at a time and not worry about it unless you have to... and be careful as for whom you choose to buy a drink. :D
Thank you for your input and leting me know not worrying is all I can really do, and even if I dont get a summons does it go on my record anyway or only if I actually have to appear
He will be looking for you in the future to break the law again and then may include this first offense with the second so stay clean...if he didn't give you a ticket then he probably won't in the future unless you violate like I said. He was trying trying to scare you with the truth so that you'll behave and not break the law again. Hope it worked.
Old Post from 2007

You are replying to an old post from 2007. Please look at the dates before replying to a post. Thanks.
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