GA police withholding evidence


The police found drug paraphernalia with residue and a wallet belonging to a well known drug user. They asked me where he was? Did he flee before they got there? If they brought canine, would they find him out in the field? They charged me with the pipe and the contents in it and took the wallet. The wallet was never returned to the owner. It's not in evidence and no mention of it in the discovery. There were at least 4 officers on the scene. The discovery states there is no video to present. How would a lawyer, prosecutor or judge view this information?

Those items were found in my vehicle.
The police found drug paraphernalia with residue and a wallet belonging to a well known drug user. They asked me where he was? Did he flee before they got there? If they brought canine, would they find him out in the field? They charged me with the pipe and the contents in it and took the wallet. The wallet was never returned to the owner. It's not in evidence and no mention of it in the discovery. There were at least 4 officers on the scene. The discovery states there is no video to present. How would a lawyer, prosecutor or judge view this information?
There is no way any of us could guess how some unknown hypothetical lawyers, prosecutors, or judges would view this information.

Did you have another question?
How would a lawyer, prosecutor or judge view this information?
The information is very clear.

Police discovered ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES in your vehicle under your control at the time of discovery.

Police also alleged, according to your revelation on this public forum, that a notorious drug dealer was in your vehicle. You alone, were arrested, as the notorious drug dealer made good his escape/disappearance.

Looks to me that you'll eventually be convicted of possessing illicit drugs and/or paraphernalia. Associating with those of ill repute can cause a person to receive a felony conviction and several years incarceration in a prison.

Allegedly, the nefarious drug dealer was successful in absenting himself from the scene where you were arrested.


So the cops found you in possession of a used drug pipe and some other dude's wallet? Was the other dude's driver's license in the wallet? Or was it just a wallet you said belonged to someone who wasn't present, believing you could get out of a charge with an imaginary other guilty party? You must think judges are naive if they'd give any credence to your lame excuse.
The police found drug paraphernalia with residue and a wallet belonging to a well known drug user. They asked me where he was? Did he flee before they got there? If they brought canine, would they find him out in the field? They charged me with the pipe and the contents in it and took the wallet. The wallet was never returned to the owner. It's not in evidence and no mention of it in the discovery. There were at least 4 officers on the scene. The discovery states there is no video to present. How would a lawyer, prosecutor or judge view this information?

Those items were found in my vehicle.
The police found drug paraphernalia with residue and a wallet belonging to a well known drug user. They asked me where he was? Did he flee before they got there? If they brought canine, would they find him out in the field? They charged me with the pipe and the contents in it and took the wallet. The wallet was never returned to the owner. It's not in evidence and no mention of it in the discovery. There were at least 4 officers on the scene. The discovery states there is no video to present. How would a lawyer, prosecutor or judge view this information?

Those items were found in my vehicle.
Wow! What a difference it makes when you learn the rules of the game. "In school, we are taught a lesson and given a test. In life, we are given a test to teach us a lesson". "

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