Gender discrimination in healthcare


New Member
Recently given a raise. Worked for 3 months approx. (2 years before raise) instructed would take 6 months to a year to learn position details. In one month supervisor visited facility 3 times. Received email stating " need to meet for a KETCHUP" when met stated I was not up to facility standards/ unprofessionalism related to "handwriting" and not answering an email in a timely manner. Took several days for me to respond to one of 3 received in one month. Told that "they had heard I had forgotten to complete a task (which was completed) and Told that on one occasion staff were talking in break room "while I was in a meeting" Replaced with less qualified female. (Who was one of the staff talking during work time) no verbal or written warnings. Not offered previous position back. Actually offered position in kitchen staff , I was a regional coordinator of recreational therapy. I was the only male in this facility. It is hard to find work in my field and I am now denied unemployment. Is this a case for discrimination.
*writting this for a friend and to correct something the supervisor I stated sent the emails was a support person assigned to assist , therefore was not a superior. It time approx a week to respond to the email saying they needed to "ketchup" she reported this to superiors.
I see no actionable discrimination claim.
The fact that a female replaced a male means nothing on its face.
Recently given a raise. Worked for 3 months approx. (2 years before raise) instructed would take 6 months to a year to learn position details. In one month supervisor visited facility 3 times. Received email stating " need to meet for a KETCHUP" when met stated I was not up to facility standards/ unprofessionalism related to "handwriting" and not answering an email in a timely manner. Took several days for me to respond to one of 3 received in one month. Told that "they had heard I had forgotten to complete a task (which was completed) and Told that on one occasion staff were talking in break room "while I was in a meeting" Replaced with less qualified female. (Who was one of the staff talking during work time) no verbal or written warnings. Not offered previous position back. Actually offered position in kitchen staff , I was a regional coordinator of recreational therapy. I was the only male in this facility. It is hard to find work in my field and I am now denied unemployment. Is this a case for discrimination.


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