Get Rid Of this car..

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I got a car in June 1, 2000 in WI. I got in a rough time in my life around March 2001, moved in with my parents in KY. Took the car with me.. Changed my liscense over and let the car sit and thought the Bank was going to come and Repo it, since I told them where I was moving to. Long story short, I still have that car sitting there.. haven't made a payment on it since 2001. Could I junk the car? Or what would be the best way to get rid of it? The bank has sold the lease to a creditor and them to another.. So, now I don't know who has it.. I always get the run around on it.. When I call them they state that they don't have any records of me, with my account number or social security number.. I just want to get rid of that car.
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