Other Criminal Charges & Offenses Getting my 12 year old niece vaccinated for covid against her parents wishes

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You are playing with fire.... You should seek out professional mental health treatment. Take the time to research how many class action lawsuits for drugs that went thru FDA approval system. Now... there is a study that suggests the vaccine could cause heart conditions in young men. I have had 4 doctors tell me that they are not getting the vaccine themselves. It's a personal choice for sure. Will it help? I don't know. You can't make choices for your sister kid..... You should tell your sister what your planning. Then you will never see your niece again. Even if you did get her the shot.... Sister finds out you will never see your niece again until she gets old enough to come visit you.
What about the notorized document signed by the parent saying that in those intervals, it IS my decision to make?

In what type of "medical decisions" does such a grant of authority begin and where does it end?
I think you really do know that the notarized statement is for emergent care, not for you to act against the parent's wishes.

When my kids were young, I left them with my folks while I was out of the country. With a similar"permission slip". So that, if something happened in my absence requiring immediate action, a responsible adult could give the okay until I could get home. Not for them to get treatments that I didn't agree with - regardless of the wisdom of my reasoning.

As for how your sister will find out? Gee.... from her daughter. Or do you plan to tell the kid to keep quiet, that it's "a secret"?

My ex took our youngest for the HPV vax (right when it first came out). I had told him that I'd spoken with her ped, who felt it would be wise to wait as the vax was so new. He chose to get it anyway. I was *livid*, and the doctor who gave her the first shot got an earful from me. He was told in no uncertain terms that if he *ever* touched one of my kids for anything but an emergent situation without first speaking to me - he'd be hearing from my lawyer. While we had joint legal custody, it required both of our agreement, except in emergent circumstances. You don't have even that much.

I can tell you that if you were my sibling? You wouldn't see/speak to my child until she was an adult and could choose to have contact.
You don't think a 12 year old girl talks to her mom? You're an idiot.

I'd be an idiot to care about myself more than the child. The law can do what they want to me, but they can't take her protection away from her.

Yes, 12 year olds talk to their moms. This 12 year old also desperately wants both doses and will know that if she spills the beans in the interim, that I won't be able to help her again for the second dose.

That doesn't necessarily mean a 12 year old will keep their mouth shut or won't say it out of anger at her mom, but there is that.

Perhaps her mom will never find out.

Or perhaps she will find out immediately.

Of course, 12 year olds have a knack for telling stories.

"Sis, she is clearly telling you this to make you mad. You know my position on the matter, but I would never interfere with parental authority."

It's the adults word against a 12 year olds.

This 12 year old has been caught in lies before, but my sister trusts me immensely, I know my sister and she knows me, which is why she leaves her daughter in my care.

So I wager, 8 out of 10 chance her mom will believe me.
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I think you really do know that the notarized statement is for emergent care, not for you to act against the parent's wishes.

When my kids were young, I left them with my folks while I was out of the country. With a similar"permission slip". So that, if something happened in my absence requiring immediate action, a responsible adult could give the okay until I could get home. Not for them to get treatments that I didn't agree with - regardless of the wisdom of my reasoning.

As for how your sister will find out? Gee.... from her daughter. Or do you plan to tell the kid to keep quiet, that it's "a secret"?

My ex took our youngest for the HPV vax (right when it first came out). I had told him that I'd spoken with her ped, who felt it would be wise to wait as the vax was so new. He chose to get it anyway. I was *livid*, and the doctor who gave her the first shot got an earful from me. He was told in no uncertain terms that if he *ever* touched one of my kids for anything but an emergent situation without first speaking to me - he'd be hearing from my lawyer. While we had joint legal custody, it required both of our agreement, except in emergent circumstances. You don't have even that much.

I can tell you that if you were my sibling? You wouldn't see/speak to my child until she was an adult and could choose to have contact.

Oh yeah I'm sure that scared the Wilies out of the doc. LMAO.

The doctor cannot be expected to know the details of the child's parents relationship or about the existence of any custody agreements. How could he have? Let me guess, you as a terrible parent attempted to leave the kid half protected, with a vaccine that had been HIGHLY proven in extensive trials, and your ex, like me, understands that losing access to the child until they come of age is worth ensuring that they come of age?

The only mistake your ex made was you.

One parent agreed, and in every such case I'm aware of, its the doctor who casts the tie breaking vote.

Doctors are not obligated to hire a private investigator to determine the feelings of the other unknown parent and what court records say in order to give the shot.

That being said, you'd have no problem finding a lawyer willing to take your money.
Oh yeah I'm sure that scared the Wilies out of the doc. LMAO.

The doctor cannot be expected to know the details of the child's parents relationship or about the existence of any custody agreements. How could he have? Let me guess, you as a terrible parent attempted to leave the kid half protected, with a vaccine that had been HIGHLY proven in extensive trials, and your ex, like me, understands that losing access to the child until they come of age is worth ensuring that they come of age?

The only mistake your ex made was you.

One parent agreed, and in every such case I'm aware of, its the doctor who casts the tie breaking vote.

Doctors are not obligated to hire a private investigator to determine the feelings of the other unknown parent and what court records say in order to give the shot.

That being said, you'd have no problem finding a lawyer willing to take your money.
Oh, son... you have no clue.
I'd be an idiot to care about myself more than the child. The law can do what they want to me, but they can't take her protection away from her.

Yes, 12 year olds talk to their moms. This 12 year old also desperately wants both doses and will know that if she spills the beans in the interim, that I won't be able to help her again for the second dose.

That doesn't necessarily mean a 12 year old will keep their mouth shut or won't say it out of anger at her mom, but there is that.

Perhaps her mom will never find out.

Or perhaps she will find out immediately.

Of course, 12 year olds have a knack for telling stories.

"Sis, she is clearly telling you this to make you mad. You know my position on the matter, but I would never interfere with parental authority."

It's the adults word against a 12 year olds.

This 12 year old has been caught in lies before, but my sister trusts me immensely, I know my sister and she knows me, which is why she leaves her daughter in my care.

So I wager, 8 out of 10 chance her mom will believe me.
So this 12 year old child that you claim to love and would die for...your going to toss her under the bus and claim she's lying if she tells mom? What a terrible way to betray this little girl and what a lowlife, slimy coward you are for planning to shift blame to the child rather than take responsibility for your own criminal actions.

But what may happen is your sister will take her daughter to the pedi and have a sample of her blood drawn and the lab will test for COVID antibodies. You will be found to be a liar and to have assaulted the child. Hopefully sister files a criminal complaint with the police. And to top that off, your niece will hate you and never speak to you again.

Have a nice night, Uncle Logan.
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