I was looking up how much it would cost if I were to get a letter. Since im a first offense
So I shouldn't worry about any letters in the mail?
Read my respons ebelow carefully.
You allege to be a minor.
Minors can't be sued in civil courts.
Your parents can sometimes be sued for certain things you might do.
Stealing, or criminal activity isn't one of those acts in which you engage where your parents could be held civilly liable for your bad behavior.
You are experiencing guilt.
You have a conscience.
I am NOT a psychiatrist, but I have represented many criminals.
Most criminals share one trait, they tend to be sociopaths or worse.
Your behavior reveals you aren't a true sociopath.
Because you aren't sociopath, you wouldn't fare well as a criminal.
Now, forget this incident, and don't ever break nay laws for the rest of your life.
If you're thinking of stealing property, vandalizing property, writing a bad check, or any other criminal act; stop.
You won't succeed at crime.
That is a good thing, mate.
Bottom line, there will be no letter sent to your parents, because you didn't give the nice loss prevention agent your name or your parents' names.
You're welcome, and go forth never to sin again, young person.