Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft got "caught" shoplifting, they don't have proof

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I was "caught" and cited for shoplifting (petty theft/PC 484) at Urban Outfitters. My friend and I exited the store at the same time, and the alarm went off. We ran, but got chased by a store worker and a cop (who happened to be outside the store at the time. just our luck.) who stopped us and made us open our bags. Actually, one of the store workers took my bag and opened it - is that legal? Anyway, there were some items in my bag from the store, but none of them had tags on them, but some items in my friend's bag still had the tags on. We were forced to go back into the store, at when we did, my friend's bag set off the alarm and mine did not.

We were marched into the back office, and one of the workers looked around the store and found the tags that had been ripped off of the items that I had in my bag. Is this sufficient proof to charge me with petty theft? There are no cameras in the store, no one saw me rip off the tags, and I did not set off the alarm. I never admitted to shoplifting; I said that another friend had given me the items, and that I could not say for certain whether she had stolen or bought the items. Is this worth fighting? I'm a college student so I can't really afford court fees or anything, so if there's a low chance I'll get off on this charge, should I just pay the fines and leave it be?

ALSO: neither of us has a criminal record, and the value of the items we stole was definitely under $100 (combined it was still under $100, i'm sure).
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Let's see, you RAN AWAY when the alarm went off. You were carrying a bag full of things who's tags just happened to be on the floor in the store. You have the nerve to be upset that you got caught. They are going to convict you. You were stealing and you don't even have a little bit of remorse. Please learn your lesson this time.
If you think there ar eno cameras your wrong ther eare! Furthermore even if not they woud not have stopped you if they had not seen you take items. Last and most important you had items on you. There is no fighting this sorry. In my singatur eline is alink to a forum just for these issues the people there can advise you of options you have.
Surprise! You were not arrested for petty theft. You were arrested for a felony.... assuming you listed the right code.
What was the value of the items you stole?

There is nothing wrong with the police or store clerk checking your bag. Not under those circumstances anyway. When you ran you pretty much acknowledged that you knew the items in the bag were not paid for.

You should also be charged with PC 182 for conspiracy... another felony.

You are toast. The more you fight it the more it will hurt.
Not only not the slightest bit of remorse, but it sounds like you had scoped the place out in advance to determine there were no (visible) cameras. If I were on the jury, I'd say guilty. Ya know, eventually thieves get caught.
You innocent until proven guilty. If you've made no statements to anyone, you might have a chance. Otherwise, maybe you need to make a deal?

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He doesn't have a chance!
He was caught outside the store with stolen items and admits to not paying for them! He ran when the alarm sounded... he knew the items were stolen!
If it can be proven that the two of them entered the store with the intent to swipe the items then they can be charged with felony burglary and conspiracy. This wasn't the first time... he deserves to get nailed.

if i had been looking for moral judgement or reiterations of "doom," i would have gone to church, not a forum for LEGAL ADVICE.

i urge each and every one of you to please, find a life, and refrain from (failed) attempts at creating a sense of superiority. if you're really so pathetic that you scope out legal forums so that you can send condescending messages to others in order to boost your own self-esteem, i honestly pity you.
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I think you shouldn't have deleted it. DOOMED is just a way of saying he's guilty, and has no prayer of getting out of it. . .

but you are right about enjoying it. He's a total *censored*.
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