Graduation Handshake


New Member
If I make it clear in advance that I do not intend to shake the hand of the superintendent at high school graduation and in response am barred from the ceremony would that be a violation of my first amendment rights or would it be considered school speech similar to regulations on graduation ribbons.
If I make it clear in advance that I do not intend to shake the hand of the superintendent at high school graduation and in response am barred from the ceremony would that be a violation of my first amendment rights or would it be considered school speech similar to regulations on graduation ribbons.

It might be protected speech, if there is some message you are sending besides, perhaps, a personal dislike for the superintendent. Most superintendents will want to make the ceremony free of disruption and controversy and IMO the best way for them to do that is just not offer a handshake when you reach the stage knowing that you won't reciprocate anyway. That would probably go unnoticed by most and thosse do notice probably won't have clue what's going on or what message you trying to send. Bear in mind that in this ceremony the purpose of the handshake is to congratulate you on your achievement; it's not an act that is meant to honor the superintendent. Because of this, I don't know that very many people will get what message you are trying to convey.

If you tell them that you are going to do this and they bar you from the ceremony you'll want to discuss the matter with attorney ASAP if you want to get a court order mandating that you be allowed to attend. That will cost you some money.
If I make it clear in advance that I do not intend to shake the hand of the superintendent at high school graduation and in response am barred from the ceremony would that be a violation of my first amendment rights or would it be considered school speech similar to regulations on graduation ribbons.

You are probably too young to have learned that in life, we learn to pick our battles. When you want to make a point and it seems like a good idea, stop and think about what you will really accomplish and what the ramifications might be. Then decide if it would be worth it.

The cost benefit ratio.
If I make it clear in advance that I do not intend to shake the hand of the superintendent at high school graduation and in response am barred from the ceremony would that be a violation of my first amendment rights or would it be considered school speech similar to regulations on graduation ribbons.

It might be easier in doing what you desire, NOT SHAKING THE HAND OF SOMEONE, if you put your arms in slings.

Alternatively, you could simply wear an ace bandage on your right and left paws, as if to simulate a burn victim.

Desired result accomplished, no handshake to avoid pain for the burn victim.

If you appeared to have incurred a medical malady or injury, you might be able to avoid controversy.

In fact, a person need not attend a graduation ceremony to graduate by receiving your diploma and high school transcript in an alternate manner.

The ceremony is another one of life's myriad and plentiful dog and pony shows.

If you didn't attend the ceremony, you would still graduate.

Besides, graduation ceremonies for APS were conducted THREE months ago in May.

2023 High School Graduation Schedule
The comprehensive high school graduations will be held during the week of May 15 through May 20, 2023.

Graduations at Tingley Coliseum
Monday, May 15: Manzano at 2 p.m., Volcano Vista at 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 16: Highland at 9:30 a.m., Eldorado at 2 p.m.; Cibola at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, May 17: West Mesa at 9:30 a.m., Del Norte at 2 p.m., Atrisco Heritage at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, May 18: eCademy at 9:30 a.m., Valley at 2 p.m., Albuquerque High at 6:30 p.m.
Friday, May 19: Rio Grande at 9:30 a.m., La Cueva at 2 p.m.
Saturday, May 20: Sandia at 11 a.m.
Graduations at Berna Facio
Friday, April 28: College & Career at 2:30 p.m.
Monday, May 15: New Futures at 11 a.m., Transition Services at 3 p.m.
Tuesday, May 16: School on Wheels at 11 a.m., Early College Academy at 3 p.m.
Wednesday, May 17: Freedom at 11 a.m., nex+Gen at 3 p.m.

It would appear, pal, you no longer have a problem.

It seems you're posting NOT from NM, but from somewhere near lovely Bellevue, WA.

Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha HA!
To me, telling them in advance is a dumb idea. Just don't shake the hand.


would that be a violation of my first amendment rights


Actions have consequences. You can say stupid things, and people can conclude from the stupid things you say that you intend to do stupid things, and plan accordingly.

If you have fulfilled the requirements for graduation, then you can get your diploma without going to the ceremony.

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