Children aren't chattel.
chattel /chăt′l/
- An article of movable personal property.
- A slave.
- Any item of movable or immovable property except the freehold, or the things which are parcel of it. It is a more extensive term than goods or effects.
Parental units don't own children.
Neither can the relatives of the parental units own, trade, barter children.
Unmarried males who ALLEGE to have fathered a child MUST go to court and prove the ALLEGED parentage.
These days such proof is easy to learn, thanks to DNA and genetic testing.
Unmarried females who birth children are invested with full, sole parental and custodial rights for the child at birth.
I suggest you ignore these two BULLIES.
Cease all communication directly or indirectly with either bully.
However, don't ignore legal filings.
Always respond to their lawsuits.
If you believe the lawsuits to be unlawful, seek the advice of an attorney specializing in family law.
Some counties in Texas have legal assistance for women in your position. Ask your elected leaders or seek the counsel of battered/abused women's groups or shelters. Many also offer abused/bullied females legal assistance, thanks to some very caring attorneys.
I wish you well.
The Texas Attorney General will also assist mothers in their attempts to collect money from deadbeat males who father children, AFTER paternity is established by a court.
The AG's website, where you can seek help collecting what the deadbeat owes you.
On a mission to make sure every child receives the support they need and deserve.