Ground/s for Annulment against my Wife

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I am 3 years younger than my wife. She is working somewhere in the Middle East for almost 2 years. She's the one decided going there but I am the first applying. She just said she will. For more than 10 years of our marriage, she is the one who works for the family and I am the one in charge in the house taking care of our two daughters. At first, I am not thinking about our set up that she works while I am the one who stays in the house with a lot of chores to do because that's what she like. We had our house; actually it's her house, her parents' house. Even her brothers stay there if they want. I know since the first time before our wedding, her family is against to me to be her husband. And how many times we were having fight because of her family that she can't make a stand for me, for us. I always ended up going home to my parents. She's always the one following me, apologizing. From the time she left going abroad, my problem with her elder brother grew and made it to the point that he made a frame-up and put me at jail. I just paid the cash bond and filed the motion for reconsideration.

On the first year of my wife abroad, her financial support to our daughter is good enough for their daily expenses. On the next year, her supports lessen to the point that her daughter made some absences in school, even the youngest that is sick cannot be brought to hospital immediately because of money. She is always in doubt that I used her money in dating other girls but the truth is I don't spent any amount in her money that she allotted for the kids. Other rumors that she knew are that I am a drug addict, always drink alcohol, etc which happens to be not true! I cannot apply for work because of my case, I have record at NBI. Secondly, no one will take care of the kids. I want an annulment. I want to have freedom from my damn controlled life because of her and her whole family. If I accomplished all of these then maybe I can remarry again. I am so traumatic in my life with her!

What can I do? Thanks a lot! I hope sharing my story like this will be of great help for me.
This is a US board and nobody has any idea what the law is where you are at.
We primarily are US based here, which is true. The challenge is that when you say "Middle East" that could be anywhere. I hoped to specify the place generally since there are many countries there and laws are very different. If you're looking for support questions, there may be law in your specific country that addresses the issue. But with regard to the question of your relationship with your wife, I'm thinking you need to address that with her directly. It seems you have some problems that need a face to face talk. Your marriage problems seem to be the bigger issue and I don't think the law will answer those most important questions, rather frame the issues if you end up needing some legal mechanism, e.g. divorce.
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