Hacking Attempt - A Childish Fail

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Michael Wechsler

Staff member
Our Support Desk is the most popular support system used online. Some people with nothing else to do hacked it and were able to insert a file on webservers that substituted the main page for the forum. They did not and could not access any databases or security. There was no data breach. This was all superficial and fixed within 30 seconds. We have alerted the software developer who has created a fix and it has been installed, done.

The brilliant kiddies left clues as to who they are within the files and those have been forwarded to the appropriate parties to hand out what should be done. IP addresses are sometimes correct but not always the case - but they left in other pretty solid information if you know where to look. All in a good day's work. Thanks to army judge for a quick eye and assistance regarding this matter.

If you're at all curious, here is how it works. There is a website which I am aware which has lots of these guys just trying to hack popular software. The purpose? Usually mischief, sometimes to do things you'd be surprised (like fake results somewhere else, direct visitors to another site, etc.) For a good number of them, however, it's just a way to brag to others that they "hacked" some site when actually it's just someone copying, pasting and following the instructions posted by the original real hacker.

There you go - all that hacking glamour demystified.
Yay for the quick fix & thank you army judge. :cheer:
I'd certainly be interested to see what you discover, Professor.
From what I can tell (I've asked a few LE buddies, and a DA investigator here), and he says they're harmless, but annoying. They appear to located in Pakistan. I'm very intrigued about the information subpoena, and I'd even help you pursue it, if you're so inclined. I always love to get my lawyering on, Professor. (LOL)

If my pals are correct, these buffoons are in the mountainous regions of Pakistan, with the mullahs (somewhere near the former hideout of Osama Bin Laden), I'm not too hopeful about the long arm of US law ever touching them!

Although some think they're spoiled, scions of well to do Pakistani gentry, getting great educations, apolitical, bored, and mischievous. If that's correct, they're likely to be living the high life in or around Karachi or Lahore.

Fun stuff this lazy morning, though, although mildly irritating and somewhat annoying.

I'm happy to have played a small part in your "take down".

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There was a Childrens Miracle Network fundraiser on WOW today. Some German jerk launched a DDoS attack and shutdown the main stream, ruining some of the fund raising. My son said there was an army of 1500 or so fighting through the game all day raising money.
Thats right it was Extra Life, sorry for the wrong location. Sarcastic Gamer apparently ignored this guy on Facebook so the guy initiated this attack to be a jerk.
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