Had to use social security card for ID

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Oklahoma/USA

I just retuned from a 1 hour ordeal at my local Western Union office. I was there to collect $4200.00 that was sent to me from Germany. After filling out the correct form with all of the correct information I was told that I had to present my drivers license and my social security card for identification. My social security very clearly states at the bottom of it that is not for identification and for social security purpose only. That didn't matter. I offered a credit card or my disabled veteran VA issued id card and they said no. I could not get my money until I gave up my S.S. card. This should be illegal if it isn't already to almost force someone to use the social security card for identification.
If WU requires that you present these two forms of identification so they can pay you, that is what you have to do. There is nothing illegal here.
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