Handling of accident very poor

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I'd like some advice on this. I'll start from the beginning~

New driver (Car A) gets into first accident. Car A is traveling west, Car B is making a left hand turn north. Light turns yellow 25 feet to the line. Car A keeps traveling. Car B thought Car A would stop. They collide. So far Car B is 100% at fault. Now this is where it gets tricky. My cousin really did this grrrrr

Car B occpys 2 young males. The males are intimidating and not giving information. My cousin gave his information. They wouldn't let him move on. They had him write the accident was his fault. His exact wording was "this accident is my fault" My cousin purposely didn't date, time, who, what, when, where, or why and didn't sign his full name as soon as he got away from them he contacted his insurance and told them everyone that had just happened. The only information the other driver would give was his name and phone number. That was later confirmed to be true. They both go through the same insurance, different brokers.

He said he did not call the police. Reason being that he didn't want to turn his back to them. The males apparently only spoke to eachother in Chinese and my cousin felt they were hostile and uncooperative.

Now I'm under the impression if you admit fault at a accident your insurance is no longer covering you, but so far they are investigating to determine fault. I guess if they put the other guys at fault this will be over? If this note is going to hold the most importance what are his chances of fighting this in a court? I feel this will most likely just become hearsay on his part and very hard for him to prove. The only true thing is has on his side and the damage. His was hit at the drivers top corner. Not to bad. Broken light case, minor scratchs and one good size dent. The other car is dead center damage.

Any advice to help would be great :angel
Q: I guess if they put the other guys at fault this will be over?

A: From your description, I would say that it would just be starting.
Hmm I'm not sure how to take that. I got a lump the first time I read it and then I started to think about it some more.

For my cousin, the other driver or both? I see a few traffic violations along with criminal actions in this by the driver.

My cousin has around $300 in damage so he wasn't required to make a police report. The driver had a Mazda his damage is higher and he was required to make a report to the police and he should have contacted his insurance company within 24 hours.
For my cousin I think the best thing he has going for him was contacting his insurance first. The accident happen Friday at 6pm by Monday the other driver still had not made a report. That was around 11am. It's very hard to find information. Everything just says what not to do. Not what to do if you do it ack!

He is a good kid. I'd hate to see him in trouble because of some punks. Had the police come the driver would have been charged with a improper left turn.
I'm hoping descions are made on circumstances. Somehow I find that doubtful but it certainly explains why the driver would not exchange information. He was just looking for money.

With any luck the guy wont file a claim. My cousin last talked to the insurance on Monday and he hasn't heard anything since other then to set up a apointment to take pictures of the damage. I told him it can be fast or it can take awhile and they both use the same insurance company, different brokers, so that will be weird.

Is a note that is not signed, dated, time, location, people involed and not witnessed legal?
Q: Is a note that is not signed, dated, time, location, people involed and not witnessed legal?

A: Sure it's legal. Probably worthless, but legal.
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