The is a great post, but this like has stated results in two distinct ideas of America and what it means to be an American. I believe everything that you posted; however this ideology has failed in various other places such as California but as they flee those areas and come to Red States they then try to change things to like the areas they fled from. I ignore it as well and don't watch the news but echo chambers exist where all they do is spout this information in order to attack conservative christian values.
One of the greatest thing about our country is that most of us adopt the "live and let live" attitude.
Most of us are against kiddie porn, spousal and/or family member abuse, theft, robbery, rape, murder, drug fiends feasting on the weak, lazy slobs, bums, savage inhuman beasts, etc...
We have our differences, even between siblings, parents, spouses, friend, etc...
You must, as Reverend Jackson often said "keep hope alive".
If a human abandons hope, he/she/it will likely end up hopeless.
That, mate, is a very troubled position from one to ever recover.
I've always held onto hope for better days.