Harassment by Neighbor at Work

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Our 18 year old daughter is a hostess at a local restaurant/pub. Our neighbor whom we've had minor differences with visited the restaurant and verbally harassed our daughter in public for three hours during her shift. She also called over the manager and the assistant manager claiming that our daughter should not be working there. What legal recourse do we have to stop this from happening again as we don't things to escalate any further. Note that her husband was with her whom is an imigration lawyer and I feel she can bully anyone because of this.

Please advise.
Before anyone can give you a legal opinion, you will need to elaborate and provide more detail. I initially question what you mean by "verbal harassment"? A busy hostess only needs to tell the person she is busy and cannot hold a conversation at the time. If the patron persists in interfering with her, then she should have the restaurant management handle the problem.

She also called over the manager and the assistant manager claiming that our daughter should not be working there.
What specifically was said? Were untruths mentioned in order to defame her in front of her boss? If this is the case, she may potentially have a civil case against the neighbor.

My advise is for your daughter to speak with her management regarding the problem and perhaps the restaurant might prohibit the neighbor from being on the premises.

As a parent, you may also wish to address the neighbor by letter informing him/her to not bother your daughter at work or anywhere else. You can "threaten" legal action if the neighbor persists. If the "harassment" continues, then you can pursue other legal recourse.
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