Harassment by Neighbor

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My neighbor IS A LAWYER and he has gone out of his way to legally harass my family and is terrorizing the neighborhood cats. When he moved in he was aware that me, my other neighbor and the former owner of his house all owned cats.

When I called the police on him on a noise complaint (it was 10 pm and he began pounding big rock slabs at that time exactly) he retaliated against me by setting a live trap with cat food right against my fence. He has trapped and dumped my neighbors cats. So far mine have evaded him. He still is continuing this arsine activity even though he trapped a skunk tonight. When I yelled out he window that he was not allow to dump a skunk anywhere (Ohio law) he cursed me and put the tarp covered skunk in his pick up and drove off.

He has used the homeowners association as a club against me. I had a shed that was grandfathered in before we even bought the house. Now the homeowners association claims they hold no paper work and the shed comes down. Now he has complained about the shape of my fence. He has no respect for the law and uses it like a battering ram. He has never once spoke to me or tried to mediate anything. It is like dealing with a emotional toddler.

I am ready to loose my mind. This man is pure evil. Is there any way to legally push back. Thanks so much.
Worn out in Westerville Ohio
If I get a restraining order against my neighbors son will he have to move? He is over 50 and a tweeker, he is harrassing me at my home and at my work place. I work at a small eatery that mostly entertains the lottery video games. I don't want him around he is freaking me out - I'm in the dark - I have no clue what is going on and I'm worried he may do some damage.
i am a single father of one very smart lil boy i have him every weekend an am now scared to death of bringin him home cuz of my neighbors. They have called police an falsely accused me three times of doin things i have not done. This last time the cops told me that if they come out to my place one more time that ill be takin to jail no questions asked. I dont know what to do. it is eatin me up that my neighbors are doin this. I dont know why they are either cuz i have never met them an dont even know their names. Since the day my father helped move their trailer in i have always tried to be neighborly an wave at them when i seen them.but have never got a neighborly wave back. So if anyone can give me some advice on how to handle this situation plz i beg u let me know what u think may help. my email is xxxxx@xxxxx.com. I want to be able to bring my kid home an not be terrified of the cops showin up an takin me to jail an takin my kid away from me. An him seeing the cops take me away in hand cuffs. plz someone help me come up with something to do to chnage this around plz. God bless everyone an my nothing bad ever happen to anyone thanks for your conern
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i am a single father of one very smart lil boy i have him every weekend an am now scared to death of bringin him home cuz of my neighbors. They have called police an falsely accused me three times of doin things i have not done. This last time the cops told me that if they come out to my place one more time that ill be takin to jail no questions asked. I dont know what to do. it is eatin me up that my neighbors are doin this. I dont know why they are either cuz i have never met them an dont even know their names. Since the day my father helped move their trailer in i have always tried to be neighborly an wave at them when i seen them.but have never got a neighborly wave back. So if anyone can give me some advice on how to handle this situation plz i beg u let me know what u think may help. my email is ccccccvvvvvvvv@yyyy.com. I want to be able to bring my kid home an not be terrified of the cops showin up an takin me to jail an takin my kid away from me. An him seeing the cops take me away in hand cuffs. plz someone help me come up with something to do to chnage this around plz. God bless everyone an my nothing bad ever happen to anyone thanks for your conern

Just keep a low profile, stay out of their way, and begin planning your move.

You can't stop a person from calling the cops.

There must be some "there" "there", because the cops don't warn you like that for nothing!

Until you can move, it might be a good idea to keep your son away from your home.
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I am being harassed too!
Does anybody know what are the fines/penalties or the laws in California for harassing your neighbors?
I have a great idea..Ill fing a way to get my loud, uptight, racist neighbors to move..and we can be quiet next to one another....lol we sound very much the same. im tempted to buy like 10 roosters( because legally I can) just to annoy the mess out of them.
OMG! Another annoying neighbor...............I am so feeling your pain, because I have moved into a nice home with a neighbor problem, it is horrible, please let me have an idea what can be done, it is so horrible because i don't wish to go in my back yard either for fear of them screaming at me. fearful in NPR
I'm not no attorney for sure , with that siad. I am a united states tax paying citizen that votes. I am appalled at some of these post I have read about these neighbors some of you have. Listen ppl , This is your life to live and you should be able to be at peace. Understand this if you will. There are attorneys out there , good ones, when I need one I always get a home grown attorney that has climbed up the ropes in gov. Offices and went on to own his or hers' own office. These are the best kind. They are knowledgable and they know everybody in the court room. You have the right to protect yourself, and you have the right to just turn around and look the other way. A clown won't do tricks if nobody laughs, just like a punk won't bully if nobody cries. I am 5"7' tall at 170 pnds and I don't never allow ppl. to bully me
My moto is " Don't front it! Run it!!! ' When a man appears to run a family off the rd that considered attempted to commit bodily harm with a motor vehicle , also it disorderly conduct. Hold your lane grip the wheel. And proceed, never make eye contact with em.
If you are harrased by someone to the point you are arrested. And you haven't done nothing. That's defimation of character, just to start. I would never allow NO NEIGHBOR 2 INTERFERE WITH ME SEEING a child of my own. And to Hell with laying low.

Look folks, take it from a guy that has played both sides of the tracks in this life. If someone is bothering you and ignoring them don't help. Then the next best thing to do. Is make them known. That's right!! Awareness!! A thief comes when nobody can see him. Shed the light . Post fliers around town, run a add in the paper. These things aren't so expensive. more time consuming than any. Arm yourself with something . If you don't like guns. Get pepper spray, get a can of starting fluid. Use your video on your smartphone if ya have one. Listen. The dog only chases you because you run. Face em. Stand firm. 99 percent of the time they will go in a close their door. If somebody is calling the police on you. Call the police on them. They will see what's goin on and they will put a stop to it. They can't convict you on hearsay and they know it. And so what if you are arrested. You are still innocent until proven guilty. That's what attorneys are for. Only talk to yours. And if a person is putting food or any other litter by your fense as to bait or poison stray or domestic animals I'm sure it won't take 5 minutes to find a law against that. I myself don't call law enforcement. The first and second amendment gives me rights so I don't have to. But don't never forget that we pay taxes to have them available. When the ball is thrown in your court throw it back harder. Don't make no threats, never let the right hand know what the left is doin. Use your patience. Think creatively. Study your options. Always know that ppl can not do no more to you than u let them. An in reality, they are just as scared as you. If not more so. Have a safe an blessed morning.
Thanks for sharing your opinion. I do agree that not being afraid in your own home is important. That said, I think it's also important to think before you act - being rash and reacting quickly can result in making you appear to be the person committing a wrong when, in fact, you were reacting to the real wrong doer. What's the most efficient way to solve your problems with a neighbor? Hopefully you can work things out. Living side by side is a fact of most people's lives and learning how to skillfully negotiate and appreciating reasonable compromise can help with probably 50% or more of all problems. And if that doesn't work, you can always come here to discuss. :)
I'm not no attorney for sure , with that siad. I am a united states tax paying citizen that votes. I am appalled at some of these post I have read about these neighbors some of you have. Listen ppl , This is your life to live and you should be able to be at peace. Understand this if you will. There are attorneys out there , good ones, when I need one I always get a home grown attorney that has climbed up the ropes in gov. Offices and went on to own his or hers' own office. These are the best kind. They are knowledgable and they know everybody in the court room. You have the right to protect yourself, and you have the right to just turn around and look the other way. A clown won't do tricks if nobody laughs, just like a punk won't bully if nobody cries. I am 5"7' tall at 170 pnds and I don't never allow ppl. to bully me
My moto is " Don't front it! Run it!!! ' When a man appears to run a family off the rd that considered attempted to commit bodily harm with a motor vehicle , also it disorderly conduct. Hold your lane grip the wheel. And proceed, never make eye contact with em.
If you are harrased by someone to the point you are arrested. And you haven't done nothing. That's defimation of character, just to start. I would never allow NO NEIGHBOR 2 INTERFERE WITH ME SEEING a child of my own. And to Hell with laying low.

Look folks, take it from a guy that has played both sides of the tracks in this life. If someone is bothering you and ignoring them don't help. Then the next best thing to do. Is make them known. That's right!! Awareness!! A thief comes when nobody can see him. Shed the light . Post fliers around town, run a add in the paper. These things aren't so expensive. more time consuming than any. Arm yourself with something . If you don't like guns. Get pepper spray, get a can of starting fluid. Use your video on your smartphone if ya have one. Listen. The dog only chases you because you run. Face em. Stand firm. 99 percent of the time they will go in a close their door. If somebody is calling the police on you. Call the police on them. They will see what's goin on and they will put a stop to it. They can't convict you on hearsay and they know it. And so what if you are arrested. You are still innocent until proven guilty. That's what attorneys are for. Only talk to yours. And if a person is putting food or any other litter by your fense as to bait or poison stray or domestic animals I'm sure it won't take 5 minutes to find a law against that. I myself don't call law enforcement. The first and second amendment gives me rights so I don't have to. But don't never forget that we pay taxes to have them available. When the ball is thrown in your court throw it back harder. Don't make no threats, never let the right hand know what the left is doin. Use your patience. Think creatively. Study your options. Always know that ppl can not do no more to you than u let them. An in reality, they are just as scared as you. If not more so. Have a safe an blessed morning.

Taking out fliers and newspaper ads without having proof that X committed a crime is not a wise idea.
i have a neighbor that just got married and i slept wit her hubby 2weeks after they did i was wrong but now shes finding ways to try to make me pay ...but she isnt doing anything to him(her hubby) instead shes using things my kids say to her child and tryin to have me locked up about it ...can she ?and what can i do ive tried to find another place to move but cant find anything in the area..
i have a neighbor that just got married and i slept wit her hubby 2weeks after they did i was wrong but now shes finding ways to try to make me pay ...but she isnt doing anything to him(her hubby) instead shes using things my kids say to her child and tryin to have me locked up about it ...can she ?and what can i do ive tried to find another place to move but cant find anything in the area..

I hope you learn from your mistakes and misdeeds.

I suggest you stay away from her, her husband, and her kids.

Because of what you did, it might be wise to keep your kids away from hers.

And, when you can afford it, move.

As far as her doing "something" to her husband, those romeos not only get to keep their cake, they eat their cake, pie, and cupcakes, too. Once in a while, a few even suck a lollipop or two, or three or four, or many more.

Going forward, you just DO YOU, and let her DO HIM.
I beleive my former neighbor has spread slanding rumors about reputation about me . It's hard to get hard evadice be cause people just won't talk to your face about such matters. But i fell very uncomforable now after 50 years living in the same area. The neighborhood has changed for the worst. The way strange men behave when yhey see me is distrubing. This people never liked my brother and me from the begining.i know i can't sue for slander,but what are my legal rights for harrasment ? I don't known where they fled to on staten island but i will like to track them down and get justice and get my digity back . Please help me with any advice.
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