Harassment Case Still Valid?

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Hello. I am writing to ask advice as to whether I still may have a sexual harassment case, despite the length of time that has passed. I started my first job (at the age of 24) as an executive assistant in August of 2005. Roughly three months after I started the managing director of the firm began harassing me, i.e. showing me and sending me pornography, telling me about his sexual experiences and asking me about mine, wanting to expose himself to me, touching me, etc. I shook violently every time I had to go into his office for my boss but didn't want to raise the issue because I was afraid I would lose my job and I wanted to make my family proud of me. One of the account executives became my sounding board and has remained my good friend and confidante to this day. However, I still sunk into a depression and began to take antidepressants to deal with my situation. I finally went to the head of HR to tell my story, who stopped me because she would have had to "do something" if I kept going. Apparently they did talk to him because he has been hostile and unfair to me ever since; for example, he will yell at me (yes, yell) to get beverages for a meeting when his secretary is available. He despises me and he lets me knnow it; I'm thinking about quitting because his attitude towards myself and others is unbearable, but I would be missing out on a great opportunity to advance. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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