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I have been at my job for litle over 4 yrs i have a coworker that has been with company for 2 Yrs and his first year he was making a lot of coments that seemed rude and out of place. I didnt think twice about it till one day after parking my turck in under my traler he went out of his way to get inbetween me and the dock as i was comming back up to do my job. And started to pick a fight and get me to swing at him i made coment about it being his way of life. sence then I have watched him pick and try to get other employes to start some thing. To day i was unloading trailers with a fork lift and he was parked two trailers down so i was watching my freight as i pulled it out of the trailer and he pulled his frok lift right up behind me and started yelling at me to watch were i was going and when i told him I had been and were he was parked. he started calling me a dumb ass stupid basterd. So i said i know you are. and then he started making coments about he was ready any time i wanted to step off the dock to take care of this. I have hurd him make this coment to other workers and do not fell it is a proper place for this kind of talk. Is this job Harassment ?
I agree that there is no place for this in the workplace but what you describe does not meet the definition of illegal harassment.
I have been at my job for litle over 4 yrs i have a coworker that has been with company for 2 Yrs and his first year he was making a lot of coments that seemed rude and out of place. I didnt think twice about it till one day after parking my turck in under my traler he went out of his way to get inbetween me and the dock as i was comming back up to do my job. And started to pick a fight and get me to swing at him i made coment about it being his way of life. sence then I have watched him pick and try to get other employes to start some thing. To day i was unloading trailers with a fork lift and he was parked two trailers down so i was watching my freight as i pulled it out of the trailer and he pulled his frok lift right up behind me and started yelling at me to watch were i was going and when i told him I had been and were he was parked. he started calling me a dumb ass stupid basterd. So i said i know you are. and then he started making coments about he was ready any time i wanted to step off the dock to take care of this. I have hurd him make this coment to other workers and do not fell it is a proper place for this kind of talk. Is this job Harassment ? This guy antangizes ever one at work and tryes to pick a fight with ever one even tryed to intemadate the boss. He Acks like he is better than ever one smaller than him self kinda like a bully you would see in grade school.How can this not be Harassment?? He has done ever thing but put his hands on some one ran his mouth all the time trying to pick fights and bad mouthing all on the shift andmaking him self be in the way to let seritan people know any time they ready he'll step out side.
crazykeith said:
I have been at my job for litle over 4 yrs i have a coworker that has been with company for 2 Yrs and his first year he was making a lot of coments that seemed rude and out of place. I didnt think twice about it till one day after parking my turck in under my traler he went out of his way to get inbetween me and the dock as i was comming back up to do my job. And started to pick a fight and get me to swing at him i made coment about it being his way of life. sence then I have watched him pick and try to get other employes to start some thing. To day i was unloading trailers with a fork lift and he was parked two trailers down so i was watching my freight as i pulled it out of the trailer and he pulled his frok lift right up behind me and started yelling at me to watch were i was going and when i told him I had been and were he was parked. he started calling me a dumb ass stupid basterd. So i said i know you are. and then he started making coments about he was ready any time i wanted to step off the dock to take care of this. I have hurd him make this coment to other workers and do not fell it is a proper place for this kind of talk. Is this job Harassment ? This guy antangizes ever one at work and tryes to pick a fight with ever one even tryed to intemadate the boss. He Acks like he is better than ever one smaller than him self kinda like a bully you would see in grade school.How can this not be Harassment?? He has done ever thing but put his hands on some one ran his mouth all the time trying to pick fights and bad mouthing all on the shift andmaking him self be in the way to let seritan people know any time they ready he'll step out side.
is this still not harassment even thoe it is like being in school with a bully
crazykeith said:
is this still not harassment even thoe it is like being in school with a bully
You could report this to your supervisor. They would probably not want a person like this in their employ if they are disturbing the ability of employees to work. Regarding legal action... sticks and stones and name calling...
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