Harrassed By My Direct Manager at a Major Insurance Company

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I am a 25 year old African American woman Team Leader at my current company. I was promoted to my position and transferred to the midwest from the east coast to work at my current level. Upon moving here, I signed a 2 year agreement that I will stay here for the entirety of the 2 yrs or will be subject to reimbursing the company for all costs of my move.

Now, this is not the issue. The issue lies in the daily harrassment that has gone on from my direct manager for about 2-3 months. I save all emails that carry his unprofessionalism and have filed a written complaint to his boss about him confronting me at my desk in an intimidating tone and unprofessional manner. Raising his voice to an almost yelling tonation while standing over me as I was sitting down. As a result of me sharing an idea with his boss, he stated that I, "Never do that to me again!" Personally, I got tired of him taking my ideals as his own, and I wanted someone to know what I am capable of.

The supervisor who works directly under him, but is not my direct supervisor, has now chimed in to the situation, providing rude commentary, taking projects assigned to me and doing them herself, along with acting in an unprofessional manner. Her boyfriend, who transferred with her from NJ has emailed me letting me know that she has stated that I should, "Manage my perception on the floor." This was stated prior to her beginning to give me direct orders--though she is not my boss.

At first, I belived the constant harrassment was due to age, but there is another Team Lead around my age, now, I truly believe it is a race thing. I was interview by my boss for a Supervisor position. When I entered the room, he was silent, answering emails and even taking a call. Then, after 5 minutes, he looked up and stated, "wow, you are not talkative." I was confused as I could have sworn that I was in an interview and he was supposed to ask the questions. "He then stated, what makes you a good canidate for the position?" I began telling him my answer and instead of him letting me respond, he had a rebuttle stating, "So, you think you are supposed to get a promotion on a yearly basis? It took me 11 years to get to this point. You think it just takes 5?" I told him if I am qualified and my numbers show fit. He minimized the importance of my team reaching their goal as a "Home Office thing" stating that the Home Office's help is the only way my team got the numbers that they reached. This was in June. My uncomfortable and unprofessional interview turned battle was the beginning of my issues at this company that I have worked for 5 years at.

It is to the point where I have been advised to bring a tape recorder to work, as my boss throws the f word around like there is no tomorrow and his racial remarks about Hispanics surfaces every so often. I am to the belief that maybe his bias doesn't only reach Hispanics, but African Americans as well.

There is a white woman who has the same title as me, yet, she does not have to answer any questions that her team has, as she never familiarized herself with our systems. They actually hired two "technical" team leads, just to help her do her job. She literally floats in the middle of the organization chart--no team, no defined role--how is she a team lead? I trained myself, studied and am able to answer my team's questions, because it is my job. Also, she is given more permissions then any other team lead. I have addressed her as a psuedo-supervisor, because those are the rights she is given. She is also friends with the supervisor I mentioned earlier--who happens to be white as well.

I have been advised to bring a tape recorder to work, because of my manager's lies. His favorite thing to do is to give you permission and deny he did it. He will state something in a meeting, and then tell the person taking the minutes that he has "editorial rights" and that he will take out what he feels fit before they go to his boss. That is wrong on so many levels. This was a result of everything he said one day getting to his boss in our team's minutes. He stated that "people will be terminated if they have 6 occurences"--no explaination, just a statement and his departure from the room. He never said this months prior, but decided to announce this in my team's meeting. No other team got such a blank, unexplained announcement.

Is my tape recorder warranted? I need to know, as I have already purchased it and am ready to use it. Do I have to tell him I am recording?

Please let me know something. I work for a major insurance company, so I am a little afraid of what is transpiring, but I know I have to defend myself. Any advice would be great.

Thank you.
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