Harrassment by claims of harrassment

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Here's the deal. I am employed by a municipality in the metro Detroit area. About 3 year ago a fellow employee began to avoid me and voice his dislike for me because he "did not like the way i treated people". His first claim of harrassment against me was for repeatedly waving to him when i saw him on the road. It was looked into by our Human Resource department, I was questioned and the matter was put to bed when I agreed to not wave to him anymore if it made things easier for the employer. A couple of months later was the next official harrassment claim. I had purchased a super bowl square and wrote my name and his name in it with hearts. The employer attempted to discipline me on the matter but refrained when I questioned their involvement in disciplining me based on my behavior in an illegal gambling pool. The third official harrassment claim came the next year when I went to Las Vegas. Some of the guys at work collected a sum of money for me to place sports bets for them. When I opened the envelope and read the bets and names I saw this individuals name. I did not put the bet in and returned his money immediatly upon my return from my personal vacation to Vegas. He filed a harrassment claim because I did not put a bet in for him on my personal time. Most recently the fourth claim came because of an email his wife recieved from my email account. I had his wifes email address because we had both served as Union presidents and we corresponded. I had not used the account for some time when I got a call from someone who explained that they recieved and email with a link to a website selling prescription canadian drugs. 118 people recieved this email and she was the only one that tried to use it against me. I contacted my ISP and established the email was in fact not sent by me but generated by a hack into their system. The matter was looked into by my employer and dismissed.

My question is simply this. At what point is this constant barrage of harrassment claims against me grounds for a claim myself. I am not a frivolous person and I do not intend to act in a borderline situation but these constant attempts to affect my employment status is a bit ridiculous and I cannot take it anymore.

Please advise.
You should go to HR yourself about the matter. Other than that just do what it seems your trying to do and avoid any contact other than work related issues. Good luck.
I have avoided contact for a couple of years and I feel as if my workplace rights are being infringed upon. I walk on eggshells.
I have avoided contact for a couple of years and I feel as if my workplace rights are being infringed upon. I walk on eggshells.

There is little that your employer can do, that it hasn't done.

No one has invented a cure for jerks.

This person is a class AAA, jerk.

I'd keep doing what you've been doing, giving this pariah a wide berth.

This dummy will trip himself up one day!!!
So from what I can gather my rights within the workplace are not being infringed upon merely by the repeated unmerited accusations. I have no course of action (civil or other) in or out of the workplace to persue?
NOW you're getting the idea.

I had purchased a super bowl square and wrote my name and his name in it with hearts.

This guy had already complained about you once and you did this? WHAT were you thinking?

Some of the guys at work collected a sum of money for me to place sports bets for them. When I opened the envelope and read the bets and names I saw this individuals name. I did not put the bet in and returned his money immediatly upon my return from my personal vacation to Vegas.

Are you saying that you put in all the bets but his? Or that you didn't put any of the bets in because his name appeared?

In either case, I think this guy is closer to the mark that you realize.
Admittedly the superbowl square fiasco was poorly concieved and was inappropriate but the trip to Vegas was my vacation and I did not and will not be told that I have to put a bet in for an individual that has a problem with me regardless of wether I do so for my workplace friends. Furthermore....the football square situation is an illegal activity that must be dealt within terms of it's existence in the workplace and not an employees conduct within the confines of it. That opinion came directly from the Michigan Attorney General and the Michigan Gaming Commision. So , what we are left with is an employee that has made claims against another for waving to him and a spam generated email that went to everyone including the city council. Weak.
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