Harrassment conspiracy

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For the past several years I have been treated for depression although no one at my work knew. The depression goes through up and down cycles. During a down cycle, my employer became particularly nasty, blew up at me and then put me on probation. Shortly thereafter, I went on sick leave for a month as I was unable to function in such a hostile environment. I did not disclose the exact nature of the illness to them regarding my sick leave.

I ended up in counselling and on various physiciatric medications. I then became extremely ill from the medication and discontinued almost everything. I am presently waiting for a referal to a specialist to deal with some of the long-term side effects that I am still experiencing.

It wasn't until I stopped the meds that my mind cleared enough to take a good look at some of the issues I had been accused of and put on probation for. After much investigation, and although theses issues are out of the scope of my expertise and knowledge, I have discovered and have proven in at least three instances that other departments were at fault for the problems that I was blamed for.

Management was aware there were problems in these other departments and refused to step in to deal it. According to them, I was guilty until proven innocent. During this harrassment campaign, I lost my self-confidence, questioned my sanity and on several occasions contemplated suicide.

Needless to stay, I am furious that they could be allowed to do this to someone with no consequences. Do you think there are any grounds for a lawsuit here?
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