Harrassment now if form of evaluation

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I have received an evaluation in the form form of an improvement program, with most areas being unacceptable and needs to improve. The same supervisor evaluated me last year and I recieved an exceptional evalaution, (2) meets standards and the rest exceeds standards. I have not been written up for anything during the year and not disciplined for anything. I am looking for options, the harrassment started in October in the form denying vacation request, belittleing me or not speaking to me at all in the office, refusing to pay comp time for overtime requested to work, adding additonal duties not in my job description. I work for a school district in California but am not a union member. Most of the accusations in the evaluation and 7 page attached report are false. I am going to take it to the board of trustees for the school district to see if they can keep it out of my personnel file but I want to know if I have any legal options.

Thank you
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