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New Member
Situation: This all started around 3 years ago.

I have worked for this company for a total of 6 years. Two years as a temporary and four years as perminant employee. I have been working in one department for the last four years.

After becoming very knowlegable about the ins and outs of the department and having no supervisor in our immediate area for the past 4 years I had become the go to person in the department. I didn't mind at the time it just seemed like part of the job. I work the 2nd shift and the supervisor would leave at 6:30p.m. (2nd shift hours are 2:30p.m. to 11:00p.m.) They then hired a group coordinator that would be over our department about 2 years ago who also leaves at 6:30p.m.. Well it then became apparent the they would need someone to do that job when that person would be sick or on vacation and they asked me to be the backup for her position. I accepted but would get upgrade pay for the four hours (2:30 - 6:30) even though I still did the job until 11:00p.m.

During this time our night time supervisor left and a new one was hired. He has been there for about 1 year now. He seems to have a few followers which amount to around 5 employees. They have caused alot of trouble for the rest of the employees who just want to come to work and do their job and go home. One of the employees in my department moved away and was replaced by one of the followers and there has been nothing but trouble ever since. We have a very loud atmosphere in which forklifts, loaders and pickers are constantly beeping and it creates alot of noise. In order to get someones attention you either yell their name or have to walk all the way over to where they are to get their attention. One evening I yelled this individuals name with no response so I yelled it louder. He acknowleged me at that point and I asked him a question and he responded with an answer. The next day I was asked about the incident by my supervisor. I told him that I didn't realize that it was an incident and didn't feel that I did anything wrong. I was than visited by HR and told that they had received a complaint about me that I was loud and maybe in the future that I should walk over to the individual instead of yelling for their attention. I just said OK. Apparently now he has stated he cannot work with me being the backup group coordinator. They have now hired anther group coordinator to work the 2:30 - 11:00 shift to solve his problem and I am no longer the backup.

Two days ago there was another incident which involved this same employee and another one of the trouble makers and myself. Again I didn't think anything of it at the time. I was standing by a skid that I was working on and slightly bent over when all of a sudden someone was backing towards me on my left side. I braced myself before she colided with me and said "whoa" and after she hit me she said "Sorry, I was watching him and not looking where I was goin". I nodded acceptance and continued doing my job. After returning from one of my breaks the supervisor (the one with the followers) said he needed to see me. He said that the employee who ran into me said I was forceful. I said "How can I be forceful when she was the one who hit me. I was standing in my work area and doing my job and she ran into me I didn't run into her and she even said she was sorry." He made me write all this down. Now I will have to see HR about this.

This is beginning to feel like a conspiracy to get me out of this department by the new supervisor and his followers. I would like to know if I have any recourse in this matter to get these people to leave me alone. I haven't done anything to any of these people and ave never asked for compensation for all the time I did the job of the group coordinator.

I feel I am being harrassed by these people and want to fight back but want to know if I need to hire an attorney to sue for backpay and cease and disist this harrassment.

Advice Please
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