Have I missed the deadline to file an EEOC case?

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Hi All,

I'm currently employed by one of the Giant Banks and have been a victim of harassment and discrimination. I was promoted in July 2013 and walked into a group of people that verbally stated they did not want to work for a black women. this group also had a plot to sabotage my job and have done everything possible to do so. I have documented several attempts with the HR group and my site leadership to address these issues and noting was done about it. The entire situation has led to my working in a very hostile environment. The latest ordeal happened this week and led to my being placed on a formal warning for things that just flat out did not happen. I am concerned because I think I have let the deadline pass to file a discrimination claim with EEOC pass and I don't know how to correctly apply the 180/300 day time line. I need help and have no idea what to do. All the information is accurately documented and in my possession. I know some may say just find another job but that is easier said than done.

How do I handle the discrimination and defamation claim in Texas against this giant employer?
If the last instance happened within the past week you are well within the limits. It goes by the date of the last occurrence, not the first.
Agree, you go by date of last occurrence to file a complaint with the EEOC. The complaint must be filed within 300 days of the alleged incident in states that have an antidiscrimination law. (Your state does.) In states without an antidiscrimination law, the complaint must be filed within 180 days of the incident.
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