Have you ever accepted a case handled by a prior attorney where client terminated the relationship

Please don't stone me over this question.

I realize that the law is highly complex and that attorneys don't go to law school for the status of earning a degree and nothing else.

I found a mistake that my attorney made.

He's not keeping me up on my case. When we talk on the phone he vacillates and sounds like he never read any of my emails b/c he needs me to clarify about my matter.

He's new in this industry, about 5 yrs.

The agency that issued a case number for my matter cancelled the case number & changed it after I presented my own charge for my matter. My matter that was written by me (prior to my securing representation with this attorney).

This attorney didn't do his due diligence and keep me updated.

He didn't read my email that identified the change in case numbers from the letter I received by the Fed agency.

He responded to the respondent's rebuttal letter with the wrong case number. And the Fed agency didn't catch it.

My attorney hasn't been able to give me a clear strategy on the plans with the case. He just accepted the case, but isn't really working it.

If I didn't catch the mistake, I would have lost my rights to sue due to the statute of limitation.

I've asked my attorney what his goals are with my case, and he hesitates and says, we don't have to go through the Fed agency we can go through the State agency instead which has a longer statute of limitations. (4 years), but I called the State Agency and they said that is incorrect.

My Atty neglected to read the letter from the Fed Agency and the State agency that corroborated on the fact that the State agency can NOT handle my matter b/c it is out of their regional jurisdiction. It does in fact have to be handled via the Federal agency.

I'm not the lawyer.

I feel as though I need to have a more seasoned attorney handle this simple & not really complex matter.

How do I do this properly without pissing off my current attorney?

If you were my attorney, and you realized that you really haven't read the emails related to the case, you haven't properly answered my questions about the Title VII and ignored the paperwork associated with my case, and I tell you, I'm consulting with another attorney....

Q: Do I consult FIRST with the prospect attorney FIRST and fully disclose that I'm represented but my attorney isn't committed to my case and is "fading out" on it while the statue of limitations clock is now ticking?

I'm not bad mouthing, anyone. It's just that my attorney doesn't appear to be fully vested in my case, has demonstrated carelessness & ignored the letter that both the Fed agency sent to him and that I also sent to him concerning the case parameters.

He should've received the right to sue letter on my case b/c I looked up my charge.

And he said he'd follow up on this last week and never got back to me.
I feel as though I need to have a more seasoned attorney handle this simple & not really complex matter.

How do I do this properly without pissing off my current attorney?

Yes, you are free to meet with one attorney, even 1,000 attorneys to discuss your concerns.

The attorney knows how to become your new attorney of record, if that is what you wish to do.

You're wasting your time by asking any other questions on the internet, which is why I chose only to suggest that you are free to discuss any concerns about your current attorney with other attorneys in an effort to secure new representation.

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